View Full Version : Terrible night and day!

05-10-12, 18:05
As I was carrying my son downstairs yesterday lunchtime'ish I got a sudden intense pain in my head and eye which then turned into the worst headache I've ever had. Took painkillers all day and it just didnt ease so at 11pm I phoned out of hours and they told me to go to a&e.

I went and after examining me, asking questions etc they said they think it's a severe migraine but if I start vomiting, get any weakness in arms and legs, face drops at one side blah blah to go straight back. It's day two and I still feel rotten, got a horrible burning pressure feeling on top of my head and am panicking that's it's more serious. They were obviously talking about a stroke with the things they listed and anxiety causes some of those symptoms so it's even worse.

Never had a migraine but I just feel so ill and as it gets to evening/night time Im worrying much more, then I wont sleep which will make me feel even worse sigh x

05-10-12, 18:22
Hi Abby.. I don't know if you suffer from stress and anxiety but I do and a few months ago I had a horrible pressure on the top of my head going down towards the back of my ear. It felt different to a headache.. Just pressure. After 5 days I went to the hospital and they gave me 2 co codomol and 1 diclofenic ( strong one) they made me wait for about 45 min to see if it had eased.. It had. It was a migraine. Not in my family and I had not had one before but I was beginning to worry. What tablets did they give you?

05-10-12, 18:33
Hi, it's awful, the pain has been in my eye and temple but is now on the top of my head but a weird sensation.. I'm breastfeeding so they just gave me paracetamol and Ibruprofen as I cant take anything stronger x

---------- Post added at 18:33 ---------- Previous post was at 18:32 ----------

Ps yes I suffer anxiety unfortunately

06-10-12, 00:51
Try not to worry about it as it will only give you a tension headache. It is common to have weird sensations or brain zaps with anxiety and not forgetting, if you have a small child you will be a little extra tired and stressed but if it continues or gets any worse.. get it double checked even if its just to stop you worrying x