View Full Version : I'm very angry with the internet...

05-10-12, 22:06
Why are lymph nodes explained as bean shaped yet internet doctors say "should be the size of a pea" it's impossible!
There is no bean the size of a pea, two different things!
It makes no sense to me what so ever.
Luckily Dr Google hasn't been offending me today, as I'm coming to terms slowly that I'm fine.
But I just wrote in lymph nodes in images and it comes up with jelly bean looking things!

I hate the internet so much :lac::bansign::curse::wall::whiplash::nonono::doh:

Daniel Copp
05-10-12, 22:09
Welcome to the club!

Most of what you find out there can be very unhelpful to us. Nothing beats talking to actual people and getting balanced advice.

05-10-12, 22:12
I would listen to your doctor, it may be bean shaped but does not mean it's bean sized, size of a pea is just a figure of speech, as long as they are roughly the size of a pea there ok :p

05-10-12, 22:15
but how can something described as a bean be the size of a pea :P they have completely different shapes!

05-10-12, 22:45
Best thing to do is ask your doctor this question if it concerns you, mine always feel pea shaped kind of like a small lump, not sure about the bean shape thing :s