View Full Version : Bachs?

06-10-12, 00:58
Hello Eveyone,

What is this "Bachs remedy" that I keep seeing eveyone talk about?

And is there a particular one for panic attacks and anxiety?

Thank you x

06-10-12, 01:10
Try this:


I also sell it in the online shop on here as well

06-10-12, 02:07
I have been reading a lot about this also.

Does it work? I think I will go to Boots to get some tommorow.

06-10-12, 02:11
Interesting read... Thank you very much x

06-10-12, 02:17
See if I am cheaper on the online shop before going to Boots

06-10-12, 09:19
The online shop is cheaper. I use it all the time and especially like the Bach Night rescue spray.

06-10-12, 10:07
I carry this in my handbag wherever I go. It's very discreet & takes the edge off of anxiety nicely. It is dear in the high street chemists/health shops though.Better value to buy it from Nicola.

06-10-12, 11:22
Would folks recommend this to alleviate symptoms slightly then?

06-10-12, 11:46
Is there a day version? I didn't see this.

06-10-12, 12:00
Yes, the day version is just called Rescue Remedy & is in the plain yellow packaging (I think the night version has a blue-ish label?)

06-10-12, 12:24
Yes the night one has blue on it. You can get it in either sprays or dropper bottle (just put a few drops on your tongue) The day one is all yellow. It is Bach Rescue Remedy for day use and Bach Rescue night for night use.

06-10-12, 14:40
Where are you supposed to use the spray - do you put it on your bed linen? I do that with lavender each night and I find it helpful.

06-10-12, 14:45
You spray it in your mouth :)

---------- Post added at 14:45 ---------- Previous post was at 14:44 ----------

It is natural products and can be used safely with other meds

06-10-12, 14:58
Oh I see. :) I may consider buying some for when I feel extra tense.

07-10-12, 17:29
I bought this a few months ago.
It may genuinely work for some people but it didn't do anything for me. When i told my doctor that i use it, she said she never heard of it before and that it could just be placebo effect.
In fact most of these natural/herbal remedies have no effect for me, that's why i prefer AD's

07-10-12, 17:52
I mostly prefer ADs too but I don't mind trying some of the natural remedies as well.

07-10-12, 18:08
I take my meds but when really anxious or to help me sleep I use the bach as well as the meds.

07-10-12, 18:56
i love the nighttime one, i truly believe it helps me sleep through. i use the day one too though sometimes have to use a lot more than it says to!

I did think about going on a short course at the Bach's centre but chickened out due to anxiety. Wanted to learn about what other individual remedies may help. Will look at the articles on here too.

07-10-12, 20:48
Hello everyone,

I love Bachs rescue remedy. I use the rescue pastilles, just pop one in when I feel panicky and they calm me down a bit, Im not sure wether its the herbal remedy or the feeling of chewing something because they are quite chewy if you know what I mean and they feel a bit like a tension ball for your mouth. I dont like the ordinary rescue remedy, it has a very alcohol taste to it and I think it may have some alchohol in it. So I use the night time one and the pastilles.
Hannah x x

07-10-12, 21:19
I use the day spray a lot, and have bought the night spray as recommended by another member. I find the day spray helps and rescues me whenever I get anxious or feel a ping of anxiety and the night spray helps me to fall off easier during the night. I also use lavender oil on my pillow just to reassure me and deal with night anxiety.

07-10-12, 21:23
i love the nighttime one, i truly believe it helps me sleep through. i use the day one too though sometimes have to use a lot more than it says to!


I use more than it says, but it does say there is no harm in it. I sometimes just feel like drinking the full bottle lol!

08-10-12, 09:46
that i can relate to! My husband often jokes whether he should buy shares in Bach's the amount i can get through!

08-10-12, 09:47
When we went on holiday last year there was a chemist in the airport, I already had 2 sprays with me but went in and bought 3 dropper bottles of it as well :roflmao:

08-10-12, 09:49
Oh dear, what are we like! :D

08-10-12, 16:48
Hi, Can the night Bachs be taken alongside Citalopram or other meds please?

08-10-12, 16:49
Yes, it's made from 100% natural ingredients (flower essences) so doesn't interact with medicines.

08-10-12, 17:00
Thanks Elle-Kay i'll try it

Allison Jayne
08-10-12, 20:37
I swear by Bach remedies! I've got the chewing gums in the boot of my car, the pastels in the ashtray of the car, in my dads car, my kitchen, handbag and bedside cabinet! I also use the night time drops and sometimes on bad days decant a few drops into a bottle of water to sip during the day. I don't care if its the placebo effect or not as they help me!!! Holland and barrat are expensive IMO, and boots are nearly £2.00 cheaper. You can also get the blackcurrent pastels from sainsburys xxx

08-10-12, 20:40
I think they are even cheaper if you buy them from the No More Panic shop.

16-10-12, 12:18
I think they are even cheaper if you buy them from the No More Panic shop.

Hi Annie, they seem to be out of stock of the spray though?

16-10-12, 12:35
They have the daytime one but the rescue night. You can buy it in most chemists.

16-10-12, 12:42
Ok thanks :)

17-10-12, 08:08
Surprises me how this Bach Rescue gets a lot of peoples thumbs up. I bought some of the tongue spray and it does absolutely nothing at all for me. It's basically just spraying a bit of Brandy onto the tongue.