View Full Version : Taurine

06-10-12, 02:20
Has anybody ever used this?

I have a big tub from when I was going to the gym and it used to help me sleep and knock me out.

I now find myself taking spoonfulls of it in water to try and knock me out and go to sleep.

It is meant to be good to help with relaxation I think but just wondered if people knew any more?

06-10-12, 02:27
It's an amino acid and found in many energy drinks....not sure if it's meant to knock you out or stimulate you!!

06-10-12, 02:30
I have read it is good to have before bed, it is in energy drinks to stop effects from the caffiene.

06-10-12, 02:41
I can't find anything about helping you sleep either

06-10-12, 02:43
I got it from myprotein and it says on there, i think wiki also has a tiny bit.

In the past it has stopped me from overthinking and basically just zoned me out but i must have built up a tolerance

06-10-12, 10:22
I think you should ask a doctor before taking this.My first panic attack was triggered by a Red Bull can believe it or not.I was at work feeling extremely tired and had the bad idea of drinking one.The first 1 hour I was ok,feeling energetic etc,after an hour I started getting dizzy,spaced out,had palpitations,I was shivering,couldn't breathe,etc.
Please be cautious with this.

06-10-12, 10:31
I would ask the doctor, but it takes a couple of weeks to get an appointment and they say anything they can to get me out of the room as quick as possible, wouldnt even give me sleeping tablets

06-10-12, 11:12
You can try valerian pills or tea and chamomile as well.Warm milk with honey works well too.There are some vitamins you can take like magnesium,calcium and b complex that help with sleep.
But if you are on any other meds you should ask your pharmacist or doctor first.

06-10-12, 14:41
I think you should ask a doctor before taking this.My first panic attack was triggered by a Red Bull can believe it or not.

OMG! I tried Red Bull only once with my Uni. frends years ago. When I went to the station I felt really weird, like I was walking on the air. Horrible. Thankfully I could sit on the train soon.