View Full Version : Woke up feeling very weird

06-10-12, 09:20
I went to bed about 1:45 last night..This was due to actually feeling really good. I was wide awake and actually felt like going out. I eventually fell asleep and have woken up this morning (after a dreamless night) feeling pure fear. It is strange..I just feel butterflies and pure dread. I feel abit blocked in the sinus but just feel quite tired and headachey. I felt the same kind of fear I experience during a panic attack but not all the same sensations. I have tried waitng to wake a bit and water/breathing etc but just feel now cold and hot at the same time and also clammy. Of course I feel completely distant too. Then I had the sudden urge for the loo and sorry to mention but I had a very lose movement. What is this??

06-10-12, 09:26
I was feeling like that yesterday and especially last night. The loose stools first thing will just be anxiety...I have to run to the loo most mornings because I always wake up feeling anxious. Unless maybe if you are cold/hot clammy you have a tummy bug (I hope not). The antibiotics you are taking always give me loose stools as well.. I have woke up with my usual anxious feelings but hubby brought breakfast in bed, opened curtains (nice sunny morning) so I am just starting to feel a bit better. i hope the day gets better for you :hugs:

06-10-12, 09:32
Thanks Annie. When I am in the depths od high anxiety I forget to convince myself that it will pass...It feels like it will never end doesn't it? I also find that it feels like I have always been stuck like it. I definitely think my anxiety is fear of just the feeling of fear. I had a late night and woke up thinking about that fact and worrying that I hadn't had enough sleep..would this result in me being DP today etc. I am slowly beginning to feel a little better but still feel quite anxious. I think I was also worrying last night that I would lose the great feeling that I had by going to sleep...no doubt why I wouldn't switch off...I just wish we could wake where we left off when we are feeling good!! I remember worrying xx

06-10-12, 09:36
Me too and I had such an awful night last night and convinced myself that the feeling was never going to go again, told my hubby he would be better off without me (he said no he wouldn't!). Stressed as soon as I woke up but starting to calm down. Hubby is now running my epsom bath for me and I am using my rescue spray. Hope our day gets better for us both. :hugs:

06-10-12, 09:42
I definitely get like this when I am highly anxious. I think the day will only get better now Annie! Do you think what I experienced was abit of a mini panic attack? Or just high anxiety? I felt rather alien..I still feel abit like it now to be honest but it's intensity has eased abit. I will be having my bath soon too!! That will relax you!! xx

06-10-12, 09:53
I think it was high anxiety. I didn't have a panic attack last night but just felt so anxious like I just couldn't cope with anything at all. I am sure it was brought on by the builder staying so long,I don't know why they have to go through so much sales talk, all I wanted was the price! Anyway I managed to get him to knock the price down by £600, now I am worrying and hoping they do the job right! I am going to get myself ready and go out for a walk while the sun is shining, might make me feel better so long as I can stay in this world and not drift into another scary one! lol the joys of anxiety!

06-10-12, 10:03
I think it was high anxiety. I didn't have a panic attack last night but just felt so anxious like I just couldn't cope with anything at all. I am sure it was brought on by the builder staying so long,I don't know why they have to go through so much sales talk, all I wanted was the price! Anyway I managed to get him to knock the price down by £600, now I am worrying and hoping they do the job right! I am going to get myself ready and go out for a walk while the sun is shining, might make me feel better so long as I can stay in this world and not drift into another scary one! lol the joys of anxiety!

I like your description there..It really is another world whenyou are "in isn't it..
I was having a conversation yesterday with my sister..She doesn't suffer with or has ever experienced high anxiety but basically..I sneezed 6 times in a row and was then on youtube watching a girl who sneexed 39 times in a row..I found it funny...Where as my sister found it really agitating and gets really worked up by things which appear to have no ending. She said it really makes her feel anxious...I think you can relate to this...Like I have had many times where I can see her losing patience if I tell a story in a long winded way. I think it is a really common thing to start feeling more and more worked up when something appears to not have an end or limit. If someone visits me but has previously mentioned thatthey have to be somewhere..say...in an hour then I automatically feel at ease. If they don't then I feel anxious.

Three hours is very long for someone to be in your home and constantly talking etc. I would react EXACTLY as you did. I have felt this way before too!! xx

In addition...It is never a personal thing to the person...It is just a an agitation that builds and builds.

06-10-12, 10:20
I know and I am never brave enough to say I think you should be going now. My dad told me that when I was younger they often had another couple come to visit and they always stayed late so My dad used to wind the clock up (1950's) and put the milk bottles out so they got the hint! lol

---------- Post added at 10:20 ---------- Previous post was at 10:19 ----------

1960's not 50's

06-10-12, 11:15
Hey loopy are you feeling any better now?

06-10-12, 11:34
So I decided to go out for a drive to distract but it didn't work. This feeling is here on constant today. I popped outside my sisters and tried to explain it and she was brilliant and was telling me to distract etc so I continued my drive and was brave and decided to pop to the local village for wool. I was feeling so unusual the entire time that I just got in my car and came home. I feel so alien. It is terrifying and there is no relief. I don't even feel particularly anxious tbh. I feel very achey and tired but I just feel so odd. I hope this isn't here to stay. It isn't a feeling that seems to be triggered by negative thinking. I can be thinking about anything at all. I was concentrating on the music...the melody..the words but it even overwhelms that. I feel like I can't even explain how it feels and that freaks me out because there really are no words. I am not tense or anxious! Just terrified!

06-10-12, 12:06
Have you tried bringing yourself back into your surroundings through the awareness continuum or similar Lu?
"I'm aware that a car door just shut outside"
"I'm aware that a car is driving past"
"I'm aware that Time Team is on the TV"
"I'm aware that Tony Robinson is talking about Vikings"
"I'm aware that I can hear my washing machine"
"I'm aware that...." etc. etc.

06-10-12, 12:45
It is just such a stange sensation. I don't feel like I am panicking or even particularly anxious. Just all seems...strange. I just have this feeling of pure fear and I don't even know what it is that I am in fear of? Just all seems not right and when it is at it's peak..It is honestly the scariest and worse sensation imaginable. I really don't want to dramatise but it really does feel that severe. I suppose I must be anxious because I do get that panic spike when I think too much about it. I am feeling very low at this point and depression isn't something I usually have to contend with luckily. Of course having anxiety gets me down but in general I wouldn't say I am depressed. I still have my appetite. I still have interest in all the things that I enjoy..even if I don't feel up to doing these things as a result of the anxiety. When it gets like this..It seems that there is no relief. With a panic attack..It eases and you can feel some relief as you feel it ease. This feeling is an emotion maybe? I'm not sure. It really confuses me. It is just pure alien.

06-10-12, 13:06
I have had days like that and it is so awful and scary. I know what you mean about the fear feeling, it is like the only thing you can feel is fear. I get so scared I just can't stop crying and I feel like I just want to literally curl up in a ball and hide away. I really hope you feel better soon. I know it is hard to do something to distract when it is that bad but just try to remind yourself that although it lasts longer than a panic attack it is only a little blip and you have been doing so well, it will go. :bighug1:

06-10-12, 14:39
I am a little bit fozzy as well.Having a weird feeling too.I guess that's because I woke up really early this morning.Had my scan without panic,stayed still for 50 whole minutes.Then returned to home,drove us to the supermarket (Yeap although it is Saturday) and afterwards my sister came and picked me up and we went to Leroy Merlin to buy some curtains for her house.I don't know if it's the meds but I totally feel better than I did 2 weeks ago.Maybe it's the benzos.Don't know.I am not quite happy for taking these,but at least I know I am on a low dose until the ad's kick in.So,I have to visit my doc to see for how long will I keep taking these.
I really feel tired.I also noticed that now when it's time to go out,I stopped thinking about having diarrhea,also when I am with someone else outside,I stopped thinking of panic attacks.
I think I ll take a nap now and afterwards try to meet with somebody or go outside.
Having so much spare time now it's killing me.I used to take care my boyfriend and our house so much,and have been working for so many hours per day,that I had totally forgotten there is another life as well.But now I have to cope with my fear of pa...

---------- Post added at 16:39 ---------- Previous post was at 16:32 ----------

And this weird feeling that you are having,I know it honey I ve had this for days.You can't seem to feel anything,it's like you are floating and just existing in universe.Of course,you can do things,but you do them so automatically that you just can't think of them.I used to take the dog and wasn't looking at anything,just apathetic,just walking but no reaction inside me.Are you anxious Lu?Have you been thinking of something bad or worrying about something?

06-10-12, 15:08
Hi..Well I decided to go back to sleep..but have woken up in the same mood. I think maybe because I automatically checked if I still felt like it on waking! I don't recall of this feeling being as intense before..I feel very achey and abit sick at the mo. I also felt like I had slwpt for hours. I will try and distract for a while.

24-07-14, 23:45
I know I'm reviving a dead topic here, but I can't find anything else like this on the net. I woke up feeling the exact same way, this is the second day I still feel the same. Hell, even walking feels strange to me now. I feel a lot less "there" too. I hope someone can share their insight here, I'm not sure if I should go to the hospital or not. I've been having stabbing headaches once in awhile that a doc said were ice pick headaches, but they feel more frequent now. I've had a CT scan and they said it looks fine, so maybe it's just pure anxiety?

28-05-15, 08:20
Hello there I can see these posts are old but I've only just looked these feelings up as I have woke up with these feelings for the first time and was really panicking as I felt absolutely terrible just the same as people are saying these posts never felt this bad before except when had a panic attack , I know it wasn't an attack because it wernt exactly the same but like you all have said it's hard to explain I just thought what the he'll is wrong with me I just woke up with it so I put it in Google and got there and found this post reading these have made me feel a bit better now because I thought I was going mad , it's really hard to believe sometimes that anxiety and worry can give you these symptoms and make you feel so ill it's horrible it'd like a curse sometimes , if anyone got any tips on how to over come these feelings to make them pass quickly would be good . Thank you x

28-05-15, 15:56
This is pretty much the definition of Generalised Anxiety Disorder - feeling like something is wrong for no apparent reason. It's not like a panic attack in that you have an acute episode of symptoms that resolve after a few minutes. It's more of an underlying unease, feeling fear or worry that something is wrong. It feels awful but it is just anxiety!