View Full Version : Dizziness, sleepiness

06-10-12, 10:22
Hello, I've got a problem today. I'm a bit dizzy, I mean, when I change position, e.g. when I lie down, there's a light vertigo for a few seconds and it stops. When I stand up, same thing for a few seconds. Also I'm a bit sleepy today. I wonder if it's weather connected. That's because yesterday it was cloudy, a bit rainy and today is perfect sky, sunny, warm. Or maybe it's due to the cold front (they told about it in weather forecasts) and the temps will go down more than 10*C during today and tomorrow. What do you think? I'm slightly anxious about this situation. I've checked my blood pressure, it was 128/69 so rather normal.

08-12-12, 16:00
Hi there, the dizziness you describe is exactly what I went to the Dr with recently. I was told it was caused by small amounts of natural "debris" rolling around in you ear canal as you change position. Mine started as soon as I laid my head on the pillow and lasted for around just 20seconds or so. If I changed position it went round again! Same when I rose in the morning from a lying position and lasted a bit longer, sometimes had to hold on to the wall on the way to the bathroom. Dr didn't suggest any treatment and it has gone away on its own after a few weeks. Just depends where the bits settle. Sorry this is not very technical but it does have a name which I have forgotten but it is common and I have looked it up on the web.
Sounds like nothing to worry about and your BP is great.........wish mine were anywhere as good as that. Hope this helps.

09-12-12, 01:34
i have this exact problem along with head zaps and migraines