View Full Version : Hi there - newbie coming off meds and finding it tough!

06-10-12, 11:20
Hi there guys - I'm new round these parts, so an introductory thread is in order!

I've been struggling with anxiety (mainly social) for a number of years and, after a lull during my time at university two years ago, it peaked and became unbearable about four months ago.

Initially, during my time at school and 6th form, my anxiety and panic attacks were isolated to exam rooms, school halls, assembalies - that sort of thing.

But at the peak recently it stretched to driving, going shopping, going to the cinema, being out on the street to the point where I wouldn't drive anywhere and was resigned to my hotel room while on holiday with my girlfriend. Horrible!

It's also gone beyond feeling unwell in social situations and has caused me serious issues with me worrying about my health. The dizzyness or headaches must be a brain tumour, the tight chest and difficulty breathing must be fluid on the lungs and I'm going to suffocate, the fast-beating heart is going to give me a heart attach etc. etc.

I'm sure those thought patterns are familiar to many of you here.

After a few sessions of one-to-one CBT with a therapist things were really picking up, to the point where I felt I could come off my medication (propranolol, 80mg, sustained release - once a day).

I'm down to standard propranolol at 40mg once a day, and soon will be on taking it every other day.

This change in meds is knocking my body around though, as I'd been on the higher dosage for several months - so some of my older symptoms and thought patterns are coming back.

So here I am! I'm very lucky with the support I have (CBT, understanding partner, friends who have been through similar/identical troubles in the past) but something that always helps me is discussing with like-minded people who do know exactly what's going on in my head!

Hopefully with all of this available to me I can knock this thing on the head once and for all and get my life back on track! Perhaps even help some people along the way, too, with my own experiences.

Well, that's enough wall of text - hi! :)

06-10-12, 11:30
Hi muckers

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

06-10-12, 11:42
I can personally relate to the Social Anxiety and am in the process of confronting it head on. It looks like you have a very positive attitude and a good support network, hopefully you will get extra support here to help you overcome your anxiety.

Daniel Copp
06-10-12, 14:23

I also have social anxiety and know what you you are going through, as do many here. This place has made me more optimistic and I know it can help you too.

Again :welcome: