View Full Version : Dizzy again

06-10-12, 12:01
Hey everyone

I posted last week about vertigo and I have to say that from Monday to Friday I was ok. I went back to work (lots of shaking and IBS symptoms) but by Friday I felt ok.

I got up this morning feeling good and then after I had been up for a couple of hours I stretched my neck and then had the most awful vertigo again. Now I'm sitting in my bed terrified to move in case it comes back. I feel shaky and wobbly when I stand and my head feels heavy.

I'm trying to rationalise and think that the vertigo is due to the way I scrunched my neck up but Im struggling and think that I'm going to be struck down with a blood clot or stroke or something. My daughters are concerned and I keep getting upset thinking I'm about to die and leave them and my baby boy. The sun is shining and I'm losing another day of my life to this illness.

Does anyone else suffer with this dizzy thing and does it make you so scared you can't leave the house?

Any help would be so appreciated.

Thank you xxx

06-10-12, 12:35
One of my worst symptoms is dizziness but I also have low pressure so that doesn't help! I have to get up slowly especially first thing on a morning. I keep a packet of rich tea biscuits by my bed and sometimes eat one before I get up and have a little drink. Dizziness is a common symptom with anxiety.

06-10-12, 22:58
Sounds like Labarynthitis to me, its a middle ear infection, Im suffering with it at the moment.
I keep getting dizzy and light headed, but a few times, when i look up the ceiling spins yuk!!!
The doctor gave me some pills to help, its really horrible and makes my panic much worse

20-11-12, 13:27
is it lightheaded/fainting feeling or a spinning sensation?
if it s light headed/fainting then try sinus/ear infection and or black mold spores causing this.