View Full Version : Weakness and Shaking

06-10-12, 17:58
For a few weeks now my arms and legs have felt incredibly shaky when i put lots of weight on them or do something requiring strength. I now feel this is confirming my fears of a Brain Tumour... :/

fozzy is crying
06-10-12, 18:00
What does your Doctor say?

06-10-12, 18:01
Haven't been yet but i have an appointment on Friday. Does this sound like a tumour?

06-10-12, 18:02
I don't think is a sign of a brain tumour at all to be honest.

fozzy is crying
06-10-12, 18:02
Haven't been yet but i have an appointment on Friday. Does this sound like a tumour?


06-10-12, 18:03
They don't appear to be weak , they just feel weak and the shaking is incredibly annoying

06-10-12, 18:10
It is not a sign of a brain tumour, I hope we have been able to reassure you.

06-10-12, 18:12
Hi Dylan,
If you have read Claire Weekes book's she mentions this, and she calls it " Jelly legs". It does sound like it is anxiety related and legs do get shaky when we are anxious or nervous. And they feel weak as well. Use them with confidence Dylan and i hope you feel better soon.

06-10-12, 18:17
I think it is just BFS i have due to my anxiety as i am experiencing lots of Twitches and "percieved weakness"

06-10-12, 18:19
Hello Dylan,

Do you generally suffer from health anxiety/panic attacks?

If so it probably going to be due to stress, nervous tension and adrenaline.. it doesn't sound like a symptom of a brain tumor.

I would always advise to get it checked out first even if it's just to put your mind at rest :)

06-10-12, 18:31
Yes i usually have several panic attacks a day but i'm slowly getting better. Thank you for the reply :) I only have this Brain Tumour fear because my Uncle died of one when he was only 31

06-10-12, 18:54
Well thats a good start... you know where your fear comes from and you can rationalise that :)