View Full Version : Little to know anxiety but still many symptoms???

06-10-12, 18:49
Hi everyone I hope your all feeling well on this fine Saturday evening.

Just wanted to make a post as im just so fed up and things are just not improving.

I am constantly slightly dizzy and lightheaded. I also get a strange burst of fuzzyness in my head every now and then; I can not think straight or function at all while this is going on. I have one pupil bigger than the other that comes and goes, my distance vision seems to be getting worse and worse. Double vision in left eye most mornings for around 10 seconds. Deafness in right ear for minute or so that then begins to ring and then goes back to normal. Internal vibration in my head and ears. Every morning my body feels floaty and tingly. I get a sensation that i cannot move my legs without having to think really hard how to do it, its like the message from my brain struggles to reach my legs. My short term memory is non existent. Random pains in my chest and upper abdomen area. This along with on and off headaches and just feeling generally not right.

I still cannot function normally let alone go back to work. Walking down to the shops is a major struggle and i feel like im on the verge of passing out. This things are understandable when my anxiety was it its worst or with mild anxiety but i am still having all these symptoms with pretty much know anxiety for weeks now. I am calm and relaxed most of the the time.

The only slight bit of anxiety i get, would be from all these symptoms when i think, whats going on this is annoying. But i dont care and worry about it like i did a couple of months ago. Im just like its anxiety, whatever i dont care about it anymore. But when it doesnt decrease or go away you cant ignore it.

My doctors still just throw anti depressants at me and tell me its anxiety without really checking anything. Ive had a blood test and that was fine, but thats all thats been checked. I am waiting to be referred to a neurologist which my doctor keeps saying she will do and then i find out she hasnt so i am chasing that up at the moment, but ill be waiting atleast a couple of months for that.

I just cant go on like this, i cant function normally or do normal things. my doctors dont suggest anything so i suppose im asking for advice here.

What could be going on here, does anyone think my symptoms point to anything that i could mention to my doctor?

Do you think it is all anxiety even though i dont feel anxious?....please dont just say yes its anxiety just because im posting in an anxiety forum.

Please do not think you will worry me by mentioning medical conditions, i dont mind i just want options and answers as i cannot go on like this.

I just dont have a clue whats going on and want something to say to my doctor so i can actually bec checked out for likely causes. I want to get to the bottom of this somehow.

Sorry for such a long post and thank you for reading.

06-10-12, 19:09
I am in a similar predicament. Even when I am not feeling particularly anxious I just feel...weird. Today has been horrendous for me. I am not just saying this due to this being an anxiety forum but your symptoms are that of anxiety. Even if you feel anxious on the surface doesn't mean that it has gone unfortunately. These thinks take time,patience and a hell of alot of strength,effort,blood,sweat and tears.

Today I feel like "I just can't live like this anymore" I am not suicidal but I just am at my wits end. The thinking about and concentrating does intensify the symptoms and there is the loop. I am missing out on so many things. I watch the same movies on repeat that I know won't trigger anxiety. I have the same routine. Tea,bath and bed and have trouble sleeping. You really aren't alone. Even if it feels that NO ONE gets it or feels like it.

06-10-12, 21:14
Hi Loopylu, thanks for the reply. Yea if we are in this cycle yet we dont feel anxious, how the hell do we break it. Your probably right it does take time and patience.

I just want to be checked out for certain things and then if there nothing rong we can say yes its definitely anxiety and then move on.

What sort of things cause these symptoms apart from anxiety that i can be checked for people?

06-10-12, 21:20
I have had exactly the same thing. Through the summer had no anxiety but was getting alot of physical symptoms then recently the physical symptoms went and I have hit a really bad patch of anxiety in my head. I have also been completely confussed by this. :unsure:

07-10-12, 00:22
Ive been debating going to A and E a couple of times recently when the symptoms get bad but im going back to the doctors on Monday and I just dont know what to ask for or what to suggest because ive been back enough times and i must not get my point accross because i always leave with nothing apart from anit depressants. Can anyone give me advice of tests i should ask for otherwise the doctor will just send me away again and i go back into the same cycle with the same symptoms.

---------- Post added 07-10-12 at 00:22 ---------- Previous post was 06-10-12 at 22:52 ----------

You deleted your post Magic? or did you post by mistake? i missed it!

07-10-12, 00:40
I went through same thing to this summer had similar symptons to yours and was on sickleave for 3 months I went to my doctor and she immediately sent me to A and E where i had a CT scan MRI scan and Blood test done then was refered to a neurologist 4 weeks later. The neurologist told me there was nothing neurologicaly wrong with me and I was sufering from a severe anxiety Disorder and how Anxiety causes physical symptons also I went to have my eyes checked at the hospital because i was having visual disturbances of flashing lights and blurry vision they found nothing wrong and told me Anxiety sometimes effects your vision.

Your Doctor should send you for a MRI Brain scan and to have your eyes checked just to rule out anything serious and to put your mind at rest. I hope you get better soon

07-10-12, 06:04
Thanks Maria, that sound about right and i will ask my doctor about it.

Could these things be anything to do with ear nose and throat, as im always hearing about inner ear problems causing dizzyness and i have been having strange things going on with my right ear.

I Could ask to be refered to an ENT specialist.

16-10-12, 21:13

16-10-12, 22:18
I think your symptoms are probably nothing more than anxiety. I suffered competitive, intrusive thoughts 24/7 and yet as far as my physical symptoms were concerned I only experience them first thing in the morning when I woke up. Are you having any sort of counselling or therapy which could teach you how to manage and deal with anxiety?

17-10-12, 21:03
Thanks Harley, yea i hope it is all anxiety but my symptoms have been there for so long now even when im not feeling anxious or over analyzing everything.

Just want to be properly checked out but ive got ages to wait to see a neuro.

If anyone else has experienced similar things it would be great to hear from you.

18-10-12, 04:13
I've still been experiencing symptoms even when I've not been anxious too. Like you i'd like a more comprehensive health check from my doctor. But, I think it's good to remember what a strain anxiety and panic attacks put on the body. I went to A&E the first time I had a panic attack because I thought I was having a heart attack and the doctor told me I might not feel right for a while, the nervous system can take a while to sync up again.

08-11-12, 03:32