View Full Version : I'm too scared to start driving lessons!

07-10-12, 00:09
I've never been behind a wheel before.
So I don't know what to expect.
Also I'm worried about been taken to an unfarmiller place and not knowing where I am and feeling trapped!

So the agoraphobia plays a part, then the fear of actually driving, having a panic attack or getting overwhelmed and crying!

Would be acceptable to take someone with me for support? Just for the first lesson?

I think I'm just being paranoid lol

Any advice or experience ? Thanks x

07-10-12, 00:15
Yes, it's absolutely fine to bring someone with you for support.

Talk to your instructor about your concerns. A good instructor will push you into travelling to unfamiliar places at your own pace. They certainly shouldn't be taking you very far on your first lesson!

Remember that even if the place is unfamiliar, your instructor knows where you are and will get you home.

I really hope you can give it a try.

07-10-12, 00:19
I was terrified before my first lesson, and almost cancelled (I already had anxiety then), but I'm so glad I braved it out as I passed my test first time and wouldn't be without my car now - it's given me so much freedom, even in spite of the anxiety, because when I'm driving in my own car, I'm in control so I feel calm and can take myself off to places more easily.

On your first lesson it's likely that your instructor will take you somewhere quiet (a suburban housing estate or other non-busy road - mine took me to the older part of the town where there is less traffic), go through the controls with you so you're happy, and then let you practice setting off and stopping. If it's like my first lesson you probably won't drive more than 100yards before you swap over again and your instructor drives you home :)

Also, you will probably be so busy thinking about what you're doing (until it becomes natural, which it will) that you won't even think about your nerves - I know I didn't! You may find though that your hands ache the next day, because new learners have a tendency to grip the wheel really hard :)

You could ask if you could take someone for support, but also some schools have instructors who specialise in nervous learners, so don't feel afraid to ask about that and/or ask for a female instructor if that would make you feel more comfortable.

Good luck, and try to enjoy it - if you can let yourself relax the chances are you'll find it really liberating!

07-10-12, 12:58
I would speak to your instructor and ask what the first lesson entails, that way you can be a little more prepared. My first lesson was very similar to Elle-Kay's in that we went to a quiet housing estate and he took me through all the controls in the car, then let me behind the wheel to practice starting and stopping the car. i think we did this again on my second lesson too if i remember correctly.

You could also see whether there are any driving simulators near you, i didn't use one but i remember seeing one in the BSM shop when i went in to pay for more lessons. It's like an arcade game but more realistic i think so you can have a go at driving without being on an actual road.

Good luck!

07-10-12, 13:22
Hi Anxious gal,my mum was a driving instructor for over 25 years and taught me.She would always start a new pupil on quiet,country roads so they could get used to the basics.There would be no town driving until the pupil had some understanding of these,and any instructor worth their salt will not rush you into anything.Add to this that an instructor will have dual controls,so in the unlikely event you miss the brake,they will have control over your driving.

Oh and my mum was a very highly rated instructor even if I say so myself.She regularly scored 6 out of 6 on the tests that instructors themselves have to undergo to show they are teaching properly,and this was apparently quite rare.Good luck and keep us posted.