View Full Version : More Speech Trouble

07-10-12, 09:36
I know this is probably just me focusing on it more but i keep mixing up words and pronouncing them wrong and it's starting to worry me that there is something seriously wrong with my Brain :/

07-10-12, 09:44
I do it all the time. Concentration isn't so good when you are anxious but I think a lot of people do it anyway. My husband is sitting with me now and I told him what you said and as I was saying that I think I do it all the time, I muddled my words :D

07-10-12, 09:51

I tend to do this when I'm very anxious. It used to concern me, especially as I do a lot of public speaking, but I found that the more I worried about it, the worse it got. Once I saw the obvious link with anxiety and not a physical cause, I stopped worrying about it so much and it's now much better.


07-10-12, 11:57
Hi Dylan,

I work in retail and find that when I'm tired, stressed, depressed or anxious my words muddle up and I even find myself forgetting the words for simple everyday things! I make a joke of it; if I muddle up a sentence or fall over my words when talking to a customer I brush it off by smiling and saying 'I'll start that again!' or 'That's easy for me to say!'

It's honestly perfectly normal: it's just because your brain is feeling tired and/or scrambled from the worry.

See it as funny and it will help your mood, too. :)


Danny xxx

07-10-12, 17:24
I have a panic attack every time i make a mistake when Speaking :/

07-10-12, 18:23
I sometimes do that when I have to do a presentation, that's one of the main reasons I hate having to do presentations - that and the fear of stuttering on words.

fozzy is crying
07-10-12, 18:34
I have a panic attack every time i make a mistake when Speaking :/

I have the same problem.

Many years ago I was faced with making a speech in front over over a 1000 people all professionals. I worried myself stupid for weeks because I mix words etc up and thought I would just be laughed at. However I was told by someone that I would be surprised how few would actually be listening to anything and fewer taking in every word. Because of that I had nothing to fear he said. I said it is OK for you to say that you do it all the time. He said yes I do but listen carefully to my speech before yours and you will hear me make lots of boo boos. I did and he did. I then did my speech and made lots of errors but I did it. After his advice I never feared public speaking again.

The man who guided me on this was the late Sir Monty Finniston!!!!


07-10-12, 19:31
It's not that im scared of making mistakes it's that i think it's a sign of a brain tumour

fozzy is crying
07-10-12, 19:33
It's not that im scared of making mistakes it's that i think it's a sign of a brain tumour

Well if you think that you know what to do. See your Doctor.


07-10-12, 19:38
I can't see him to Friday :/

fozzy is crying
07-10-12, 19:42
I can't see him to Friday :/

I am sure you will be OK till then just try and chill. If not ring up and explain your anxiety and get an earlier appointment.


07-10-12, 19:59
Thank you for your help :)

fozzy is crying
07-10-12, 20:00
Thank you for your help :)

No need to thank me. You are welcome any time.


07-10-12, 22:36
Now the wait till Friday'

09-10-12, 15:38
Not sure i can wait to friday. So Many Panic attacks everyday :(

fozzy is crying
09-10-12, 16:32
Not sure i can wait to friday. So Many Panic attacks everyday :(

In that case why not telephone your Doctor NOW and tell them that and see if they can fit you in at the end of today's surgery?



09-10-12, 17:12
The emotional brain shuts down the rational brain during periods of heightened anxiety. Speech suffers. It may be slurred or simply not come out at all. If this in itself frightens you, a fear of a sinister cause perhaps, you enter a cycle of fear that leads very quickly to a panic attack.

09-10-12, 21:42
I can't just phone up. I'm only 14 and my Mum doesn't believe me

10-10-12, 13:45
Found this page! It's exactly how i feel :D

10-10-12, 14:37
I do the same thing. it is so embarassing. its more when i am stressed or anxious
will look on thread abovexx