View Full Version : Woke feeling refreshed

07-10-12, 13:02
Thankfully i woke this morning feeling more refreshed and slept almost all the way through the night, apart from when i was woken at 1am by our next door neighbours returning home from the pub. It was the loud Ssshh! that did it, it was rather comical in nature!

Anyway, today i feel a little brighter, the crushing anxiety is on my chest but i feel more in control. Also helps that husband is now home (although now asleep for a few hours) but at least i know he is safe.

Thank you to everyone who left kind words last night, it really helps knowing there are people who care. All to often i feel i only have my husband to help me, friends are aware of how i feel but never seem to be there.

Time to do some baking (trying a maple syrup cookie recipe i found online) and plan food shopping based on the recommendations of the nutritionist.

Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday!