View Full Version : I feel so pleased that I did it!

06-08-06, 20:07
Hi everyone, i didn't want to start a new post but i felt i had to share this so that people can see that you can get on with things. many of you will know that since may i have been suffering panic and anxiety, i couldn't go to work, i didn't want to go out even and was afraid at leaving my safe zone. I resisted meds for a long time, i began to get depressed because i felt my life was over! At that point i went on citalopram, to try and get my mind into a more positive path so that i could deal with my worries and thought processes. It was tough for the first two weeks but gradually i started to feel better, I started to do more things, even though i was nervous and a little shakey. Well last week i went away to help at a kids' camp. On the Friday i was considering pulling out, my nerves were saying, you can't do that, what if.... etc. But I packed and on the sat i got up and said i can do all things through christ who strengthens me and i drove for almost 6 hours and arrived on camp. I stayed the whole week, I helped out, i sang, i cooked and i had fun, I felt like me and my confidence is returning. people were so kind and very supportive. I took on responsibilities and just felt so pleased with my achievement! A month ago i never would have thought i would make it. Thanks to all of you here who have supported me through this bad time, i hope that i can now start to deal with the issues and develop strategies that will help me to never get that low again. I have made some great friends here, you know who you are, and i can truly say i thank God for you all and this site. I'm not leaving, even though it may sound like a speech but I just wanted to use my experience to encourage others who may be feeling so rough they can't see a light at the end of the tunnel, that was me, and yet now i look forward to tomorrow again :D. It is such a privilege to be a part of this site. Thanks again all:)[Yeah!]

Take care

'This too will pass'

06-08-06, 20:53
Hi ya, daisy
wow, well done. it sounds like you really enjoyed your self.
hope you're proud of your self. :) you did really well.
take care
twiglet xx

06-08-06, 22:22
Hi Daisy

I was thinking about you just the other day and praying you were having a great time, daisy thats great news, :D im so pleased for you, just goes to show that those feelings of dread we get, can be beaten, as for the singing daisy no wonder we had crap weather lol, only joking i bet you sing like a lark, i know i would if id had such a good time, so once again daisy WELL DONE:D and keep up the good work

All The best :D

Denise xx

06-08-06, 22:40
well done hun what a great thing to achevvie

06-08-06, 22:46
Well done, what a super post, I have children and work to thank, (and people here) for helping me make it.
Well done again,xxx

06-08-06, 22:49
Well done Daisy. What a brilliant achievement and even better that you had such a good time too!

Karen x

07-08-06, 00:25
Hi Daisy,

I'm so happy that you are feeling so much better and doing things you love. What a wonderful uplifting post.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

polly daydream
07-08-06, 00:54
Hi Daisy, nice one well done, its good to hear you are feeling better.

Take care,


07-08-06, 09:43
Thanks everyone, 5 loads of washing from camp later and I'm still smiling lol

Take care

'This too will pass'

07-08-06, 14:37
Hi Daisy,

It's great to read how well you're doing. Well done! [8D] :D

Heather x

07-08-06, 18:24
well done mate,

It is that voice that says you can't do things you need to float past, rewards lie at the other side of that voice so we can build on the one that says actually I can do it.

I tell people all the time that sometimes the reality is not as bad as the thought of doing something. Once you get there and start to live in the present it is amazing what you can achieve.

Again well done so happy for you.

Regards Paul


07-08-06, 18:53

Well done to you on such huge achievements.

Thanks for updating us and good luck for all future challenges.


07-08-06, 18:56
hi daisy,

well done hun

you must be so proud of yourself

keep up the good work

take care


07-08-06, 20:30
Hi Daisy,

What a lovely post to read hun. I'm very proud of you as you've been a true friend to me in the pastx

Take Care


07-08-06, 20:52
Aww thank you so much everyone. It's so good to be part of this supportive community :)

Take care

'This too will pass'

08-08-06, 12:28
Well done!

That was a huge step to take - no wonder everyone's so proud of & pleased for you!

I take my hat off to you (well, I would if I wore one!):D
