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07-10-12, 14:54
Hi I have been told to speak to my gp cos I have had a blood test and something is not right with the thyroid and liver. I have no symptoms really and am worried that if I have to on thyroid medications it will affect my hair!! I have phobia about hair loss

07-10-12, 15:04
Hi, just to reassure you, I have had thyroid problems and been on levothyroxine for years and it hasnt caused me to lose my hair so try not to panic x

07-10-12, 16:08
Actually having a thyroid problem UNTREATED can sometimes cause hair loss, but going on the medication can fix that. So if you aren't losing your hair now you won't be on the meds.

07-10-12, 16:19
Hi Tilly..

I have had over active thyoid and after treatment under active.. I have been on Thyoxine for over 12 years now. It is the thyoid being either that can cause (in rare cases) hair loss.. so as soon as get your tablets needed you won't need to worry. Its not the tablets that cause it :)

Also your liver is an organ that can replenish itself.. so don't dwell on anything xx