View Full Version : Lustral.. Dreaming.. Feeling weird

07-10-12, 16:10
Hello Everyone...

Is anyone else on these tabs and dreaming in a morning?..

I don't know how to explain it but it's like I am waking up between dreams and feeling sort of delerious where I can't bring myself out of it.. I then shut my eyes and seem to go straight into another dream and waking up doing the same until I "wake up" properly.. by this time I am panicky and go into that depersonalisation mode which can last for most of the day.

Anyone esle having similar?

Bigs Thanks xx

07-10-12, 22:20
Is no one else having these dreams and feeling in a constant state of panic on Lustral (sertraline).. noticed that 35 have viewed but no replies :-(

07-10-12, 22:26
Hi Hun. On day 6 of sertraline now and I do wake up a lot through the night, not having dream probs yet though. I seem to be fine getting back to sleep. I have started taking it about 9pm then I sleep through any nausea. What time do you take it? X

07-10-12, 22:27
I get similar experiences on these tabs. weird dreams, waking up, depersonalisation etc. I have good periods and periods on these, like a good week bad week. how long have you been on them?

07-10-12, 22:46
Thanks guys..

Laura I don't have a particular time but it is normally at about 2 in the morning as that is when I am usually going to bed! but last night took it at about 10 and had a horrible night x

Hi James, not just me then.. I have been on them for 6 weels or so but only on 12.5 for the first 5.. been on 25 for the last week and have to put them up to 50 this week... how about you? x

07-10-12, 23:01
Thanks guys..

Laura I don't have a particular time but it is normally at about 2 in the morning as that is when I am usually going to bed! but last night took it at about 10 and had a horrible night x

Hi James, not just me then.. I have been on them for 6 weels or so but only on 12.5 for the first 5.. been on 25 for the last week and have to put them up to 50 this week... how about you? x

about a year on 50mg one a day sometimes i up that to 100mg. i might ask the doctor change them altogether i think i've got to that stage where they are not working that well:wacko:

07-10-12, 23:22
That's a long time.. are you no better or just not fully better and what symptoms or anxieties do you suffer from? x

07-10-12, 23:34
That's a long time.. are you no better or just not fully better and what symptoms or anxieties do you suffer from? x

i think im better than i was, i cope better than i did before. i suffer from panic disorder my anxiety comes from heart palpitations, i have had them checked out loads of times by ambulance, drs, ecg, ultrasound you name it check my past threads and posts! i know that worrying brings them on i do it to myself. i was given sertraline to try and lift my mood and stop me worrying but i think i am going backwards again. the best tabs where venlafaxine they made me feel great i did not give a damn about anything but i felt so good i stopped taking them because i thought i did not need them!:wacko:

08-10-12, 01:41
I did that before James a few years ago.. I was on Lustral then and because I felt good I stopped taking them!

Can only think my body has changed somehow because I didn't have any side effects on them at all.

How come you haven't gone back on the venlafaxine? They sound great lol.. could do with that feeling great and not giving a monkies :)

08-10-12, 07:46
I did that before James a few years ago.. I was on Lustral then and because I felt good I stopped taking them!

Can only think my body has changed somehow because I didn't have any side effects on them at all.

How come you haven't gone back on the venlafaxine? They sound great lol.. could do with that feeling great and not giving a monkies :)

Yeah i should ask to go back on them:yesyes: i think i will go see the doctor and ask him