View Full Version : My family life

Granny Primark
06-08-06, 21:01

I am sorry but i will not post on this site for a while cus i think its unfair on other members.
I feel ive been totally cheated on by a few of the mem bers on this site.
Ammeg why do you feel the need to get involved with my son?
What have i ever done to hurt you?
Im an honest and caring person who sadly has had to cope with a lot of crap off a son that ive given my very best to.
I hate the fact that he has come on this site and why?
Not cus im ashamed of what i am but because im embarrasssed that the son i love so much just cant grow up.
I wont go down the the path of slagging him off cus bloods thicker than water.
But why the hell should i a woman of 52 have to defend myself?
This site has helped me and im grateful to my sons partner for finding me this site.
But my god him and and his partner know that if it wasnt for me and dad they would be living in a hostel.
My sons partners mum and step dad couldnt cope with them and they turned up on my doorstep last year when she was 7 months pregnant.
We helped them, my hubby was even garantor for their house. My son was in debt with Britannia building society for 20 grand and was black listed.
I could go on and on.
I could tell you you loads. But you know at the end of the day im waynes mum and i love him.
Leave me alone wayne and stop trying to destroy me through this website.
Me and dad have got true friends in the real world.
Weve had a great week with your sister.
A sister you used to adored until your jealous partner came on the scene.
I truly love you and your partner but theres only so much i can take.
Me and dad and emma also love that beautiful lauren.
Im so very sorry my private life has overspilled on this website.
Take care as always

06-08-06, 21:10

Please don't go. We are all here for you.

I hope you don't think I was getting too involved with things and I hope I have explained my involvement with the PM's I get from Wayne.

I truely hope this sorts itself out for all of you and you can all get back on track at some point.

Thinking of you.


06-08-06, 21:16
Hi Lynn.

I know you are having a tough time at the moment, you will get through this ok. Don't leave the forum, but if you feel a few days break away from the site would help then do that so you can come back feeling refreshed. Hang on in there mate.

Love ya loads.

x x

06-08-06, 21:23
Hi Lynn,

I wont go all through everything we talked about earlier but you know I am always here if you need me ok mate, but one thing i will say is if you leave NMP I will kick you up the butt !!!


Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

06-08-06, 22:21
lynn i know we talked about it the other day hun
hope you can sort something out and get back here quick
what im i suppose to do hun
with no lynn here to kick me up my bum to keep up and happy
speak soon hun

07-08-06, 00:03
Nicola, please could you remove this post from Loopylynn? I was told about this post by someone (i wont say who) and to have look at what Lynn had put.

Lynn has taken our personal life and twisted things round in vindictive way just to cause yet more hurt to my partner.

Its a personal attack on me, my partner and our daughter. Lynn says in her post "I wont go down the the path of slagging him off " Yet she then goes on to tell everyone about me and my familys personal life.

She says "Weve had a great week with your sister" ????

If this wasnt personal then surely that line should have read "weve had a great week with OUR daughter" True????

She also states " A sister you used to adored until your jealous partner came on the scene " YOU????? Once again that line infers to being personal and aimed at me and my partner.

Once again i ask you for the post to be removed.


07-08-06, 00:30
Maybe the best solution would be to get a meeting fixed for all involved.

Perhaps an impartial person could mediate.

But you yourself have also made personal remarks on this forum about members of your family, and we have to treat people equally.

I hope that this blows over, or at least is taken elsewhere, but I know that Nicola thinks very hard about removing posts, so I will not be acting upon your request.




And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

07-08-06, 00:32
I have no idea what is going on here, and perhaps am sticking my nose in, but I wish everybody on here could be friends, it is a site for anxiety and depression.
Im sure when people got up this morning nobody set out to upset anybody else, and I know none of you would come here with that intention, but life is too short, I know Nic doesnt need hassle, she has worked so hard on this site with Alex, and no one else does, so come on guys, be nice to each other.
post sabout your probs etc, but no fallouts, sorry if Ive stepped in where I dont belong.xxxxx

07-08-06, 01:00
To both loopylynn & watto,

I have no idea re the background of this thread or the hurt both of you are obviously feeling, I just find it really sad that this is the outcome.

Personally speaking, having a grown up son, I know that my son isn't always right and has made some howlers in life but likewise I'm just as guilty - each of our decisions have had some impact on the other's life and, at the time, it's seemed the be all and end all but, when it comes down to it, life is all too short and there has to be a compromise somewhere.

My son is joining the Army in November and, to put it bluntly, I'm s***ting myself at the thought of anything happening to him, in light of recent events but that's the path that he's chosen to follow and I have to respect that.

In the recent past, he has got me in debt with my bank for my financially bailing him out...yet again (which I'm still paying for) and, as frustrated as I feel over that, he's still my son and if he's willing to lay his life on the line for a country that, in my opinion, is failing in loyalty to its people, then I will support him 100% no matter what grievances we've had in the past.

I'm NOT passing judgement between mother and son here though, honestly; I'm just trying to say that surely nothing is worth this much heartache when life can be so short.

You never know what's around the corner so don't waste the time you have saying/doing things you may later regret.

Please don't think I'm either taking sides or belittling either's point of view with this post.

I really hope you can reach a solution in this.

My best wishes go out to you both.


07-08-06, 02:42
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">She says "Weve had a great week with your sister" ????

If this wasnt personal then surely that line should have read "weve had a great week with OUR daughter" True????</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Sound kinda familiar to you??

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">In fact my partner was more of a 'daughter' to her than her actual daughter who decided to turn her back on her own mother in her hour of need.</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

You know I don't think that airing all of this is going to do anything to rebuild your relationship. All it is going to do is to drive an even bigger wedge between the 2 of you BUT it isn't right to ask for a topic to be deleted saying that it is too personal when you yourself, Watto, were the first one to put personal info out on this forum and didn't seem to mind it then.


You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself. "I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along."

- Elenor Roosevelt

07-08-06, 09:30

07-08-06, 11:29
Just to clear up the thing with Gem.
Myself an Ruth were both in chat that day an yes she did ask him to come in because it was quiet an thought maybe you 2 would be able to sort things out!
Unfortunately it wasnt to be.
An asking her why she got involved, well unfortunately most people have been brought into it because we care about you.
Gem was just trying to help you, she is far from nasty.
I had to put that across coz this is unfair on Gem.
I hope you can work things out we all think alot of you.


07-08-06, 16:48
hi lynn,

you know how i feel aout this hun, but you cant blame just gem, i think that she was trying to help you sort things out, i was on that day with stace lynn and being honest it needed to be done, you and wayne need to talk together and separtatly to get things out in the open, i think gem was just trying to help in some way. of course i dont know the full story only you and she knows that but as stace said in her message above both me and her where on chat that day and you could blame us also for getting involved, it seems quite uinfait just to single her out.

i hope that you dont take this personally hun as i know that you are having a hard time but on the same hand you should blame all 3 of us for getting involved.

take care

and please dont leave the forum as now both you and gem have decided to leave and there is no need for it.

love ya to bits

ruth x

07-08-06, 17:02
Here we go again! [:O]

x x

08-08-06, 18:10

I don't know really what happened that night as i wasnt there. It seems to me hun that ppl here are only trying to help here. They have your best interests at heart here. Ppl here have got involved hun cos all this has been brought to the forum altho I don't think this is the best place to do so.

It is such a sad situation to be in and we all feel for you. Please if you can Lynn dont take things out on anyone here as ppl care for you so so much and if anything was done by another member, I'm sure it was not done maliciously. I dont think you really need anyone else added to the equation do you hun eh????

Lynn please stay as who am i gonna slag off eh??lol. Ye know we all love ye hun and we are all here for you and all we want is for you to be happy and hopefully sort things out. I agree with Ray that you do need to talk this throught with your son cos as u said blood is thicker than water. The air needs to be cleared and the only way that will happen is to face each other.

Lynn I am always here for you ye know that hun.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))
love ye xxx

Take care,
