View Full Version : shoulder blades, ribs and chest worry

07-10-12, 19:32
Would like any advice/reassurance as Ive been having a bad 3 weeks with Anxiety,started when I had a health scare which will ultimately lead to a small gynae operation soon (not sure when yet) but this has snowballed from having the scare to all sorts of health anxieties, I know it must be anxiety as it all started the week I was waiting on results from my doc, i was out of my mind with worry and the symptoms that started was like a golf ball stuck in my shoulder blades, this went on for about a fortnight, the doc put me on omeprazole (spelling?) just in case it was digestive problem, then i was started on Lustral/certraline 50 mg and beta blocker daily to calm me down, these seem to be working well with the calmness and dont have many side effects, but whats worrying me is my back has still got a burning vague pain on the left rib cage coming and going, last week it was as if there was a swelling in the left rib cage and sometimes I have the classic "choking"sensation at my throat and heaviness in chest, the doc also gave me a weeks worth of diazapam which more or less cleared the choking sensation as muscles were relaxed but its vaguely still there, has anyone had any symptoms like this, Im sleeping quite well though always waken bout 5.30 but still getting bout 7 hours sleep (think its taking the certraline at night helps) I know im lucky i get this much sleep compared to some people on here. Ive been to the doc a couple of times and a locum who both felt my back as my mind runs away with me that its something else more sinister, they said they would be able to tell if there was anything there that was dangerous and sounded my back also which he said was good. encouraged me to exercise more ( im not majorly overweight but my docs are obsessed with the exercise/healthy thing), this sight has been a god send to me as its a nightmare when your family and friends dont really know what to make of you when you have these symptoms, hoping for some positive feedback, thanks for listening and reading this x:winks:

07-10-12, 19:56
Anxiety can cause so many symptoms, I've had lots digestive, muscular problems in the past. Your gp is best placed to reassure you though... And if they're not concerned, you have to trust what they say...

07-10-12, 20:01
thanks stormsky, just seems to be one new symptom after the other each new day..:weep: