View Full Version : I feel like I cant do anything right

06-08-06, 21:31
For a long time I've had this feeling that I cant do anything right/good enough or I'm not good enough. It gets into every aspect of my life from work to my relationships to the way I feel about myself and others. Its probably what has triggered my anxiety/depression. I wish I could stop thinking so negatively, but any little thing that seems to confirm this belief has served to reinforce it, and after many years of this I have no idea how to change my though patterns.

I'm so low at the moment, my self-esteem is at rock-bottom and I'm super-sensitive to everything that people say to me that is slightly negative or what I perceive to be negative. I feel that I'm gonna go insane with this.

Can anyone else relate?

06-08-06, 22:59
Hi Mad_hatter

You will start to feel better about yourself, but you must stop putting yourself down,you are some one who has the right to to be accepted for who you are, irrespective of what others may percieve you to be, stop thinking that youre not good enough, you are as deserving as any other person, you have the right to be happy with yourself and dont let anyone tell you different.

take Care

Denise x

06-08-06, 23:48
Hi, i know how you feel!
Should be offering words of encouragement, but Im just the same.

07-08-06, 11:40
Hi mad_hatter,
I can't believe what you said because that is EXACTLY how i feel!! I don;t know what we can do to change our negative thoughts though. They're so ingrained in my mind and thats my automatic thought process i don't know how to stop it! It;s really affecting every aspect of my life too and i hate it :( sorry i don;t know how to help and this probably didn;t but maybe you will take comfort in knowing you're not the only one who feels like this [^] hugs, su xx

07-08-06, 18:59
Hi huys, thank you for your replies :)

Denise, I know you are right, thank you. I just need to learn to accept it!

Su and alexis, thank you, its reassuring to know I'm not on my own with this. I hope that you are reassured too. It would be nice if we could help each other with the negative thinking and share ideas/strategies to try to cope with it (not that I know any, but its worth a try)!

07-08-06, 19:07
Hi, I am working on changing thoughts and have a very good work book, it does work, we just have to remember to put it into action.

08-08-06, 12:39
I read last week a definition of confidence which is "the expectation of a positive outcome". I think we all lack confidence and positivity.

I'm the sort of person that will sit back if there is a problem because there will always be someone more dominant and confident to solve it and because I don't want to feel like I'd be doing it wrong or getting in the way. The way to change this disempowering attitude is to get in there and do it. The other week our vegetable steamer wouldn't work and my usual response would be to forget about the meal. Instead I changed the fuses, asked I neighbour if we could borrow theirs and checked the plug socket- which is what it turned out to be.

At my brothers wedding last week I got involved with laying out the buffet, which is something that I would normally avoid because I'd put something in the wrong place or not do something right according to my gran. I though 'sod it', I don't care if she tries to push me around, I'm going to do something proactive and not be passive. Alright, you don't get an immediate buzz out of it, but if you keep getting involved then people treat you in a different light and you start to feel more capable.

It's when you don't do things for fear of failing that you really are failing.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.