View Full Version : Back again lmao

07-10-12, 23:16
This is really bad but I know you guys won't judge me, I just had my boyfriend measure the lymph node in my neck with a ruler and he said it's 8mm
Does that mean that it's normal?!?!

07-10-12, 23:21
Wouldnt have a clue, did you measure his? to compare?

07-10-12, 23:22
I've been freaking out about a lymph node in my neck too! It's swollen, hard and unmoveable :/

Anything up to 2cm in a lymph node is completely normal so don't worry!

07-10-12, 23:31
Don't worry about it Jsp :)

I know that's rich coming from me, but there is 300+ reasons nodes can swell!

You'll be fine <3

07-10-12, 23:34
Yeah there is! You should remember to tell yourself that about your own ones as well haha :)

And stop checking them! It will only make your anxiety worse, make them sore and more swollen. The whole side of my neck is sore from touching mine so much :/

07-10-12, 23:40
I just had another mini freak out about a lymph node, genuinely felt sick when I felt.it, until I realised it was part of my neck muscle. 8mm is normal! The thing I felt was about the size of an egg.
i wish there was a way that you could have a model of what is "normal" for you and then go feel that for reassurance!