View Full Version : Anyone struggling to sleep

07-10-12, 23:35
Laid in bed and the sleep just won't come, good old meds messing my system up i think, I just can't switch my brain off. Anyone any tips on getting a cosy sleep :wacko:

07-10-12, 23:38
I dont go to bed unless im tired, dont like lying there thinking too much!
I dont go to bed before around 1am usually....
you could try reading? herbal tea maybe... and hot bath before bed helps some..

fozzy is crying
07-10-12, 23:38
Laid in bed and the sleep just won't come, good old meds messing my system up i think, I just can't switch my brain off. Anyone any tips on getting a cosy sleep :wacko:

Wish I had but my Dad [God rest his soul], always said do not worry if you can not sleep when you need to you will. In the meantime you have more waking hours to enjoy life.

So despite having not slept in days that is one thing I do not worry about.


07-10-12, 23:40
Hello Miss... I am the same.. always been i night person but now I am not getting to sleep until aroung 3 to 4 in a morning. Same as you just cannot nod off.. heads thinking all the time. I am on Lustral x

08-10-12, 00:02
My nan says that too Gordon, but I'm still shattered. :) what is lustral?? I'm currently on propanolol for an overactive thyroid and cipralex for the dreaded anxiety, I hate feeling doped up as I've not had to take meds for anything, but needs must and gotta see if they help. It's making me feel like I'm a zombie ha still worked almost 60 hours this week though :-0

fozzy is crying
08-10-12, 00:08
My nan says that too Gordon, but I'm still shattered. :) what is lustral?? I'm currently on propanolol for an overactive thyroid and cipralex for the dreaded anxiety, I hate feeling doped up as I've not had to take meds for anything, but needs must and gotta see if they help. It's making me feel like I'm a zombie ha still worked almost 60 hours this week though :-0

I am shattered as well. Not familiar with lustral. I believe it is an anti-depressant, but I am on propanolol and a lot of other drugs for both mental and physical health problems.


08-10-12, 03:18
The last few nights, when I have finally fallen asleep I wake up at 4am and then I can't get back to sleep!
I'm sure something is waking me, maybe someone going to work or slamming a car door

08-10-12, 04:54
I have to say that I haven't even tried to go to sleep yet, I just don't feel tired. I suppose it's the anxiety as I do find it difficult to relax. Might get myself a hot chocolate :D.

08-10-12, 04:57
You sound the same has me i always seem to wake round this time
it's like I must get a rush of adrenaline or somthing because I wake and then
feel very shakey do you get this

08-10-12, 08:48
Good morning everyone :) how did everyone sleep?? It took me abit to get off to the land of nod but I got there, woke around 4 ish and feeling sluggish today but ill be finishing my working day soon. In reply to mandsheer no I don't feel shaky when I wake up... Just shattered ha ;) :)

08-10-12, 09:54
Morning - I'm flipping shattered too, oh well. Hope you all have a good day. :)

08-10-12, 12:21
hiya miss, i dont have trouble going to sleep prob because i dont go to bed until im really tired but i still wake up atleast once in the early hours and cant get back to sleep for ages :)

08-10-12, 13:48
Just thought I'd share my morning with you I took my pup for a lovely walk round the park and had a good hour walking round really relaxed and happy. Then this woman started shouting and swearing saying get your dog away from me ill kick him in the head, told her very nicely I'd be kicking her if she did, I'm not one for violence... But jeebs!! Then her fella came over saying my dog had attacked him... Total lies! Ney how relaxing. Some people!! :)

08-10-12, 20:53
I am struggling with sleep right now. I have found having the tv on low helps me drop off, as I am listening to what they are saying instead of thinking. Doesnt always work but sometimes does. I have trouble with waking up as well, every half hour it feels like. I cant really get up (Im quite scared of being downstairs alone at night) but I will read or write in my journal, or even play on my ds! When my eyes feel tired I try again. I always have a milky hot chocolate drink before bed as well. Everyone I know who has had insomnia say the worst thing to do is lie there thinking, get up and do something until you feel tired, hope you get some sleep soon x

08-10-12, 21:36
I find that the Zyprexa, Zispin and Lyrica helps me to fall asleep, but they just don't keep me dozing for long. I'm not going back on Zimovane because I find that they gave me a hangover feeling. We're at a loss really, but if anyone has a natural sleep solution I would be glad to hear about it.

09-10-12, 11:13
I have to say that I haven't even tried to go to sleep yet, I just don't feel tired. I suppose it's the anxiety as I do find it difficult to relax. Might get myself a hot chocolate :D.

Close my eyes and clean up my mind when I feel tired and then go to bed.

09-10-12, 19:10
Think it's my escitarapram thats making me stay awake, as ive only been on it a week. I do sleep but takes a while to get there. I have lavender sleep therapy spray, from avon, for the room, just a couple of sprays and also a balm for your wrists, temples it does relax you. Gonna start using it again. Been out for a walk today with a friend and our dogs, for over 2 hours so I should sleep good :)

09-10-12, 19:23
I'm shattered today I've being going for so long, so that along with my Bach night spray and I (hopefully) should be asleep without any problems tonight.

09-10-12, 19:39
Ahh Bach I used a droplet of that abit back, didn't notice any difference. Do you find the night spray is good?? :)

fozzy is crying
09-10-12, 19:49
Ahh Bach I used a droplet of that abit back, didn't notice any difference. Do you find the night spray is good?? :)

I used to get on very well with night nurse. However she left me. :weep::weep:

The Bear

09-10-12, 20:01
Ahh Bach I used a droplet of that abit back, didn't notice any difference. Do you find the night spray is good?? :)

Well, I use the day one excessively, which does help, and the night one does help me nod off (I also use lavender oil on my wrists and pillow), but I wake after a matter of hours :)

09-10-12, 20:32
Just been out for another walk with my pup, ill sleep like a good un tonight :) :)

09-10-12, 20:39
Just been out for another walk with my pup, ill sleep like a good un tonight :) :)

Awe, I'm delighted. Hopefully you will. Fresh air does wonders :)

09-10-12, 20:42
At the moment i am not able to sleep until early morning and i then sleep til noon. Its a fiddle. And i keep reading how excercise helps, i think i will actually try it as i know i used to sleep way better when i was active. Bachs does help. My sister has it and i keep nicking it.But it does have some relaxing qualities and i suppose whatever helps is a good thing.

09-10-12, 20:46
At the moment i am not able to sleep until early morning and i then sleep til noon. Its a fiddle. And i keep reading how excercise helps, i think i will actually try it as i know i used to sleep way better when i was active. Bachs does help. My sister has it and i keep nicking it.But it does have some relaxing qualities and i suppose whatever helps is a good thing.

You have the right attitude. Bach has worked wonders for me.:hugs:

09-10-12, 20:56
Exercise is fantastic, getting out in the fresh air is making me feel great too. Great for the mind too :) right off to watch a good film now, hope you all sleep great tonight

09-10-12, 21:37
And you too. I'm ready for bed myself after a long day :)

10-10-12, 10:44
How's everyone feeling today? I slept really good, in fact maybe too good as I've only just got up. Oh we'll it's my day off work :D

10-10-12, 21:09
How's everyone feeling today? I slept really good, in fact maybe too good as I've only just got up. Oh we'll it's my day off work :D

I hope you enjoyed your day off?:hugs:

Wasn't good today but I turned things around to my advantage :yesyes:

11-10-12, 13:00
I had a good busy day off thanks :)

11-10-12, 18:18
Google : Insomnia Magnesium

600mg of Magnesium a day knocks me the hell out!

11-10-12, 23:46
I saw one of your posts about magnesium, gonna google it tomorrow. Is it good for nerves then?? :)

fozzy is crying
11-10-12, 23:48
[QUOTE=MissLady83; :)[/QUOTE]


11-10-12, 23:53
Why thank you :) :bighug1:

fozzy is crying
12-10-12, 00:09
Why thank you :) :bighug1:

No need to thank me.

Does anyone have problems being awake?

12-10-12, 00:17
Yes I have a big problem with being awake, because my town is such an eyesore and there's constantly a big rain cloud hanging over us :)

fozzy is crying
12-10-12, 00:19
Yes I have a big problem with being awake, because my town is such an eyesore and there's constantly a big rain cloud hanging over us :)

I can cure that for you.

12-10-12, 00:21
I very much doubt this but I'd like to hear your solution all the same.

fozzy is crying
12-10-12, 00:25
I very much doubt this but I'd like to hear your solution all the same.

Simples. Do as the Fozzy does.

Keep the curtains drawn 24/365 and do not go out.

---------- Post added at 00:25 ---------- Previous post was at 00:23 ----------

BTW did niot know you lived in Milton Keynes :noangel:

12-10-12, 00:26
I need my long walks with my puppy and that fresh air to keep me going :)

---------- Post added at 00:26 ---------- Previous post was at 00:26 ----------

Milton Keynes?!

fozzy is crying
12-10-12, 00:27
I need my long walks with my puppy and that fresh air to keep me going :)

---------- Post added at 00:26 ---------- Previous post was at 00:26 ----------

Milton Keynes?!

Long string and an oxygen tank would work the same. :whistles:

12-10-12, 00:32
Ha not quite the same effect but i can see the method in your madness :)

fozzy is crying
12-10-12, 00:47
Ha not quite the same effect but i can see the method in your madness :)

madness? tut tut this Bear is not mad. Just absolutely crazy.:blush:

12-10-12, 00:52
Well funnily I'm refered to as the bear too and I'm also quite crazy :wacko:

fozzy is crying
12-10-12, 00:54
Well funnily I'm refered to as the bear too and I'm also quite crazy :wacko:

You are not crazy. You just need understanding etc


12-10-12, 01:00
Right time for me to try and sleep.

I shall bid you good night sir and take care. For me it's off to the land of crazy dreams!


fozzy is crying
12-10-12, 03:06
Right time for me to try and sleep.

I shall bid you good night sir and take care. For me it's off to the land of crazy dreams!


Good morning to all especially fellow night owls.

Fozzy [aka Gordon]

12-10-12, 04:33
Good morning :)

12-10-12, 09:30
I wonder how we do it , I feel backwards because I cannot sleep at night , soooooo tired.

12-10-12, 09:37
I saw one of your posts about magnesium, gonna google it tomorrow. Is it good for nerves then?? :)

Yep. Google : George Eby Magnesium Depression and prepare to vbe overwhelmed!

12-10-12, 18:59
Yes, I find it very hard to sleep peacefully I hear my heart beat in my ears and the more I worry about it the louder is gets, it's quite frightening.

A cosy tip I suppose for me that would work would be reading a couple of pages out of a book but of course it doesn't always work

15-10-12, 20:18
Hiya chris :)

Yeah i like to have a read in bed it helps me relax sometimes
