View Full Version : I've given up

08-10-12, 00:42
I'm 33 and I just can't seem to get going In this life.
I'm pushing people away for no reason I can't find any Interests all I do Is hide In my home and drink alone watching movies.
I was blessed with every tool In this life to succeed In something but for the last ten years I've just been sleeping my life away and hoping something will change.
I can't seem to even leave the house for food some days It takes me an eternity to do anything and I really feel strongly about leaving this world and I don't know why. It would devastate my family but my mind just has had enough...
I wish I could find something anything to help. But I really feel there's nothing for me and I felt this way for a long time.
Thanks for reading

fozzy is crying
08-10-12, 00:46
I'm 33 and I just can't seem to get going In this life.
I'm pushing people away for no reason I can't find any Interests all I do Is hide In my home and drink alone watching movies.
I was blessed will every tool In this life to succeed In something but for the last ten years I've just been sleeping my life away and hoping something will change.
I can't seem to even leave the house for food some days It takes me an eternity to do anything and I really feel strongly about leaving this world and I don't know why. It would devastate my family but my mind just has had enough...
I wish I could find something anything to help. But I really feel there's nothing for me and I felt this way for a long time.
Thanks for reading


08-10-12, 01:29
This sounds like depression and I really think you need to talk to your doctor about things.

Things can be done ok to help

08-10-12, 12:59
I've been going to the Doctors for years they don't seem to have any solution except therapy which I've been waiting for for years :-(

08-10-12, 13:39
You don't mention medication as a means of helping , Its certainly not a cure and it's not for everyone, but I found that it made me stable enough to cope a bit more and try and change things for myself. There are also free therapy courses online which might give you a good starting point if youve been waiting a long time for to see a therapist.

At the end of the day seeing a therapist won't cure you unless your willing to at least try and change something . I know how hard it is to do this when you have no motivation at all but even when you feel like that its really important to try and help yourself.

It might never go away fully but perhaps in time you'll be able to cope better.
pm if you ever need a chat
Munkey x

fozzy is crying
08-10-12, 17:26
I've been going to the Doctors for years they don't seem to have any solution except therapy which I've been waiting for for years :-(

I have a Saint of a GP who like me has been hitting his head against the same stone wall of the system to get me help for years. My MP has been doing the same.

Over the last seven years suffering 24/7 I have as a result of being let down by the system lost everyone dear to me. I have now no family, no friends, no support network, and very soon will have loose my home and everything I own. I have also physical disabilities and can rarely go out. My life is confined most of the time to one room because of my mobility issues.

Is that a life worth anything to anyone?


19-10-12, 17:47
I'm like this as well, i am finding it very difficult to move forward in life, and not focusing on what should be done about it, but have been informed on here effort is needed to help yourself, but still find it very difficult to move forward, are you getting any support from any other organisations.

19-10-12, 18:46
I know you are already aware of this, but the only person who can help any of us is ourselves. One small step at a time. For some people who have physical disabilities as well as mental health problems, self help is not so straight forward.
As others have suggested, sharing your feelings with your GP would be the first step. If you cannot get into the surgery, most doctors now do phone consultations.

19-10-12, 23:08
Hi ConAnima, I wish I had answers that would put things right for you but as we both know things are never that simple. Going by my own experiences by posting on here you're looking for answers, looking for ways to put things right; try to hold onto that. The depth of these feelings of desperation are overwhelming and very hard to explain but please try to explain them to a professional who can help - I know you might have to explain things to more than one person before you find someone who 'gets it' and I know that it really disheartening but please keep trying. Everytime I go to my GP I'm utterly amazed that they don't write me off as a nuisance or making things up because that's what I believe but they don't, they listen and they help as best as they can. I'm very lucky in that. Thinking about what Munkey wrote, I've also tried an online course and it was pretty good. I had a go at William's book on mindfulness (the one that comes with the meditation CD) and was amazed at how much I identified with it. In the meantime know that there are people here who really identify with what you are saying and we're trying to find a way through it as well. Keep in touch (PM if you feel like it) and we'll try together.

Hope that makes sense and helps a little. Good luck x

23-10-12, 22:05
Thank you all so much for your kind messages.
I'm sorry It's so hard to even absorb and concentrate on all of the advice but I appreciate everyone's time and effort to help me :-)
I hope It will change but It's been so long now.
I'm lost truly It seems right now and for a long time.
Only I can do It but It's just over for me I feel.
There's no reason to feel this way which Is the baffling thing...