View Full Version : Frequent Unsteadiness

08-10-12, 03:15
Hi all,
First post here..
Been fighting with some serious anxiety for the last 3 months.
Started taking citalopram about a month ago. It has helped a lot with the panic attacks, but though the unsteadiness and hypersentivity to motion had curbed a fair bit, it has come back in the last week. Feels like the floor is soft when walking, sometimes a rocking sensation and though better when sitting, it doesn't make it completely stop.
Most activities seem to set it off and it lingers for generally the rest of the day.
I think the meds have helped with it not setting me to panic land, but it is still very uncomfortable and frustrating that after getting a bit better it has come back.
Anyone had a situation with this type of thing recurring?
Any ideas on ways to deal with or help this?

Much thanks

08-10-12, 08:27
I can relate to this feeling and I really don't know how to deal with it except try to stay positive and tell my self that it will get better. :hugs:

08-10-12, 09:03
I am the same! I started cit 10mg 36 days ago and the last 2 have been the worst for me! I have the docs today at 11:00 and I am hoping to get some advice. I feel alot better this morning after a good sleep but I did cry on waking as I just remembered how the last 2 days have been the hardest I have ever,ever experienced.