View Full Version : Convinced I've got a brain tumour

08-10-12, 10:42
I've been getting more and more dizzy and faint over the past 4 months or so progressively.
I've been to the doctor numerous times and have been on Diazepam for 5 month, escitralopram for about 3 weeks and now been on Ami for about 4 weeks. Still feel dizzy and unco-ordinated a lot of the time.

I've had a full eye exam and blood work, but everything should as OK.

Really worried it's a brain tomour now, as nothing seems to be working.

08-10-12, 11:06
Dizziness is one of my symptoms when I'm anxious. Medication can make this worse initially but it does settle down. You have changed medication recently and are probably still having side effects from withdrawing from escitalopram and starting amitryptaline.

I have been on Escitalopram for over 6 weeks and still have periods of dizziness and lack of co-ordination. Given that you have all of the tests you've listed, I'd say you're symptoms are caused by anxiety and side effects of your medication. Try to distract yourself rather than focus on these symptoms too much.

08-10-12, 12:51
If only it was periods of dizzyness, but it's all the time. I'm only on 20mg of Amit so I wouldn't think it'd be that bad. It's happening when I'm not anxious as well. That's why I'm so scared.

08-10-12, 13:46
Hi Dez - I'm no doctor but I really don't think you have a BT. About 4 months ago I woke up so dizzy I struggled to get out of bed. I'd already convinced myself I had a tumour so this only added to my fear. I went to the doctor who made me do all those little neuro tests they make you do and I passed them all. My ears were also checked.... no infection. She put it down to either an inner ear issue or anxiety. Me? I was still convinced I had a tumour.

I lived with it for months (I had to work with it, socialise with it). Even when I resolved my anxiety issues it was still there.... but it did very slowly go away. Symptoms won't just disappear when you stop being less anxious - it takes time for your body to adjust back to normal. You say it's there even when you're not anxious yet you are really scared. Being scared will make you anxious so you're going round in circles. Believe me, I've been there.

Do you work? Do you keep busy? I found that when I was doing nothing my dizziness was worse (all my symptoms were) but when I was occupied I didn't notice it. Really hope you feel better soon because I know how horrible it is. xx

08-10-12, 14:14
I had dizziness on and off for about 2 years when I wasn't even feeling that anxious either.

It does go in time but make sure you are breathing correctly as that will help a lot.

08-10-12, 14:34
Hi Dez, i feel for you and am have been having pretty much the same thing for the past few months non stop with no improvement. I am in the process of getting refered to a neurologist, after many times of going to my GP they finally agreed to refer me, they think its all anxiety and i hope it is but atleast i can find out now and maybe get some reassurance.

Just click on my name and check out some of my threads if you like, i have been posting about the same thing for the past few weeks.

Hope things start to get better for you soon mate.

10-10-12, 12:23
Thanks everyone for their reassurance. I'm thinking the same way as Gotagetthroughthis and think I need referred. I'll give the Ami another couple of weeks first though.

10-10-12, 12:46
I felt dizzy the whole time I was on meds.

10-10-12, 13:12
I'm on diazepam and Emi and was on Escitralopram. Maybe thats the issue, but what's the alternative.