View Full Version : Are These Panic Attacks?

07-08-06, 01:49
This is going to sound really strange but I'm not sure if what I feel most of the time is an anxiety disorder and panic attacks.

I have always been quite an anxious person, but it's definitely became worse over the past couple of years (since my depression was diagnosed). I constantly feel as if everything is going to go wrong with my life, even during good periods I am waiting for it all to come tumbling down again as it always does. I sweat constantly, especially my hands, I get a lot of tingling in my hands, my left one in particular, I often have to take a sharp intake of breath as I feel I am not getting enough air, and sometimes get a sharp pain in my chest. I am extremely irritable, have great difficult getting to sleep and then have very disturbed sleep as I waken up worrying about something. I have trouble relaxing properly and am constantly fidgeting, pumping my legs up and down.

Sometimes when I am out it's as if everyone is crowding in on me and I feel I can't cope with it and just want to get back home again where I will feel 'safe'. The worst I have been with that was last week, I was meeting my ex in town and I was fine while in the house, but as soon as I started driving I felt like I was being crowded by other vehicles and I felt really angry for some reason (the air was blue in my car that day lol) and then when actually walking in town I just felt as if I couldn't do it that day! It felt to me that everyone was coming at me, even people who were walking in front of me in the same direction that I was going. I think that if I hadn't had my ex with me, I would have gone straight back home again. The noise of everyone else also seemed to be amplified. On that particular day, I was constantly snapping at my ex and my children and I was the same with them today!

I have to go out most days to take my 2 youngest children to school or there are times I wouldn't leave the house. When my children were away with their dad last summer for 3 weeks, I only left the house to go to the shop at the bottom of my road and came straight back home again where I stayed for the rest of the day because I felt I couldn't cope with actually having to be with people and speak to them!

I have put all this down to my depression in the past but it is becoming increasingly worse all the time.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



07-08-06, 02:24
Hiya Mandy

I feel the same as you. My hubby calls me a "
natural born worrier"! I sweat a lot, get itchy hands, tingling feet and when out in crowds feel totally unreal. I also feel irritable and when I shout at my youngest (who is ten) I feel guilt.

I too awaken with immediate feelings of anxiety. Nor can I relax, at home or on holiday. Concentration is impossible and sometimes feel everyone is better off without me. But realism makes me feel my kids need me and what I am feeling now is extreme anxiety.

I found blowing into a paper bag useful when things get too much. OK, I would feel a complete failure/embarrassed if I did this in public but when in your home it is far easier.

I do not know how old your children are, but I explain to our son that if I snap, it is not directly at him and it is the way I am feeling rather than what he is doing.

Kids do worry when they see a mum/dad in turmoil. They want to help but dont understand.

Personally I am dreading tomorrow. Being on holiday in Orlando and facing rides, crowds etc fills me with dread, but I always put themselves first and me last. In the short term that is the only way for me to deal with all of this.

I hope I have helped. I am new to NMP also but I recognise and relate to how you are feeling.

Take good care of yourself.

Fran X

07-08-06, 03:43
Hi Fran

Thanks for your message.

My kids are 14, 10 and 7. The eldest 2 understand that I am not well at the moment but my youngest finds it a bit harder to grasp. I am really lucky with my eldest though as he tries to help out as much as he can when I am really bad, it's a double edged sword though as this makes me feel more guilty that he is having to bear the burden!

What you said about the crowds etc at Orlando just struck a chord with me! We have recently come back from a holiday in Yorkshire and we were going to go to Flamingo Land but on the day I couldn't bear the thought of the crowds so we didn't go! It's funny how I've never really thought of it in the context you have put it in before, but now it seems so obvious to me!

I am fairly new to NMP as well, I have been a member for a while but it's only recently I have really started posting as I have been feeling more anxious about everything.

I hope you have a great holiday and manage to cope with everything.

Take care.
