View Full Version : Feeling so sad and really nervous

08-10-12, 13:11
Hey guys,
Since yesterday I've been feeling really anxious and have been feeling doomed and feared. I'm on day 21 of Escitalopram but the past hours have been terrible.I can't tell if I had a mild panic attack before some mins,It's just like I am feeling like I have a huge panic attack waiting to burst.I have appointment with my therapist in an hour and I am so afraid to leave the house.I guess my anxiety came from thinking that I would like to take my car and go over there.But it surely is out of my driving safety zone.Now,I am terrified of going by taxi as well.I feel so depressed.

08-10-12, 13:52
:hugs: Sending hugs- hope you can get to your appointment ok.

08-10-12, 13:55
It will be fine Penny! It's a normal feeling and the anticipation of having to go out will be adding fuel to the anxiety fire! If you feel like you can't drive then there's no shame in that. Take a bottle of water with you and if you feel the anxiety building take a deep breath and a sip of water.

Sending you hugs :-)
Jenni xx

08-10-12, 13:56
oh hun, sorry to hear you are feeling like this. it will pass, try to take some deep breathes and tell yourself that you are safe (this can help me when i feel like this).

:hugs: and hope you get to your appointment ok.

08-10-12, 14:03
Oh no! This was me yesterday and this morning I was anxious before a docs appointment. Just keep breathing and sipping water as above have stated and know that this will pass! It is just heigtened anxiety because you know you have to go out! It is awful because there really isn't much to be done except ride it out. It is so depressing when you feel so restricted. xx