View Full Version : when i think about afterlife

07-08-06, 02:23
the first night i had my PA i overdosed on a substance (just want that to remain private) and i think i had a near death expierience in coralation to my PA. i have cut the substance abuse part out of my life, and i thought that may have cured me of the PA's. today i was watching the television by myself and i began thinking about what is after life. i used to be an atheist but i do believe there is something after death and its driving me crazy not to know. when i begin to think about it i throw myself into a panic attack. most of you are thinking, "just dont think about it" but i cant. because i did expierience something when i OD'd and its impossible to get off my mind. if anyone can help me find a mechanism to help me take my mind off these thoughts that would be great. b/c i dont think its normal to be having these thoughts at 17.. haha well. take care all



07-08-06, 02:45
Hi Richard -
Maybe you are questioning what you believe and if that is the case then explore that and maybe that will take the fear away when you think about the afterlife.
Just a thought :)

07-08-06, 09:06
I feel like through my panic I've had many near death experiences (even if they were only emotional). My greatest fear is that I am going to drop dead suddenly and I am very concerned about what comes after. I believe in God and Heaven and Hell. Don't want to go to Hell (of course), scared of Heaven (don't like heights :) and don't fully comprehend.) and if I'm wrong and there's nothing then that's even worse! Dying is my biggest fear

"This too, shall pass"

07-08-06, 15:24
I am absolutely terrified of death. It is just the thought that OK I am here now but one day I will not be. What is there after this life?!

Most of the time I am OK but every so often, this thought will just hit me like a sick feeling in my stomach, if that makes sense.

I don't know if I believe in an afterlife as such, but at the end of the day, none of us know what is 'after' ...so without meaning to sound nuts, I just try to live my life being the best I can be, so hopefully I will go to a nice place!![}:)]

Lol, on a lighter note, I watched Ghost on DVD a few nights ago...I wonder if it is like that....!!!

Ahh, life is a strange thing! xx

'Never be afraid to try- remember, amateurs buit the Ark...professionals built the Titanic'

07-08-06, 15:24
I am absolutely terrified of death. It is just the thought that OK I am here now but one day I will not be. What is there after this life?!

Most of the time I am OK but every so often, this thought will just hit me like a sick feeling in my stomach, if that makes sense.

I don't know if I believe in an afterlife as such, but at the end of the day, none of us know what is 'after' ...so without meaning to sound nuts, I just try to live my life being the best I can be, so hopefully I will go to a nice place!![}:)]

Lol, on a lighter note, I watched Ghost on DVD a few nights ago...I wonder if it is like that....!!!

Ahh, life is a strange thing! xx

'Never be afraid to try- remember, amateurs buit the Ark...professionals built the Titanic'

07-08-06, 17:38
I can only talk about my own experiences and that is..... I have had thoughts like you and wondered what happens when we die - what will it be like ? etc etc and what helped me was going on an ' Alpha' course. http://alpha.org/ Have a read of the site and see what you think. It may not be what you are looking for but, as I have said on this site before, my Christian faith has been my anchor through VERY troubled PANIC stricken waters.
Hope thats not too heavy for you!!

07-08-06, 18:47
I am exactly the same when i think about i feel like everything is a dream, im getting shaky now typing this!
Yes its easy to say dont think about it but the more you think that the moe you will think about it.
I cannot offer advice on how to cope with it as i have not yet mastered that one myself!
Just so you no that you are no way alone in feeling like this.


07-08-06, 20:04
Know exactly how you feel. It's the fear more than anything that gets a grip of you. My faith has also been the overwhelming help-factor for me these last few months. Boy, living the Christian life through troubled times can be extremely difficult 'cos I believe you have to 'walk the walk' as well as 'talk the talk'! I surely discovered that faith isn't faith until it's all you're hanging on to. And it, along with meds and counselling, has brought me through this present darkness, restored my sense of humour (which can be pretty crazy!) and helped me face each day as it comes.

Take care x

'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'