View Full Version : So scared

08-10-12, 16:10
Just back from the dr's as I was going to talk to him about my anxiety but also mentioned about going to a&e with severe eye and temple pain in the early hours of Friday morning after speaking to the out of hours doctors. I told him it was still there but not as severe and he started checking my eyes, blood pressure etc and he wants me to go to eye hospital urgently to check the pressure in my eyes. I cant get there today as I dont drive and it's quite far from where I live but he said I need to go tomorrow. Im now worried sick.

A&E told me they thought it was just a very bad migraine:weep:

08-10-12, 16:22
I can imagine this is very worrying for you, did the doctor say what he thinks it may be? Do you have someone who can take you to the hospital? sending you :hugs::hugs:

08-10-12, 16:31
I have nobody today.. Im hoping my dad can take me after work tomorrow. The only thing he mentioned was glaucoma but now I'm imagining allsorts. My anxiety is getting out of control lately and this is the last thing I need. I dont know how much more of this I can take x

08-10-12, 16:35
Do you have an opticians nearby? If you phone them maybe they could fit you in for a check up, they take photos of the back of your eyes and do all sorts of tests now...just to reassure you, waiting to find out is never easy :hugs:

08-10-12, 16:44
No I phoned the opticians up and they are booked for two weeks. Going to speak to my dad later to ask him to take me tomorrow but he isnt in at the moment. Thanks Annie x

08-10-12, 16:46
I hope it all goes well for you Abby, will be thinking about you :hugs::hugs:

08-10-12, 16:57
Thank you x