View Full Version : Symptoms checklist

08-10-12, 17:17
Ok so iv'e recently started to get a little better with my anxiety so decided I was going to go over my symptoms and see how they are improving.

Trouble breathing - Gone
Heart palpitations - Very rare
Dizzyness - Gone (turns out this one was in my head after all)
Headaches - Improved (down from 3-4 a week, to just the one after alcohol)
Speech difficulties - I slur the odd word now but I think everyone does from time to time, before it was every sentence.
Lack of balance when walking - Gone (due to not concentrating on every step)
Hot burning feeling on skin - Gone
Numbness and tingling - Gone
Fatigue - Much better (Physically demanding job/hobbies so I tend to sleep well, but i'm not constantly tired anymore)
Eye floaters (Still there but havnt noticed any new ones this week)
Nausea - Gone
Appetite - Improving slowly ( never really been a big eater, I don't like alot of foods, but I am defiantly eating more)
Motivation for life in general ( Better, enjoying my apprenticeship again, although my boss has been really mean today haha)
Muscle twitching - Occasional (The odd spell of muscle twitching, but defiantly alot less often)

An interesting symptom I have worried about is memory loss, but now I come to think of it the things I was forgetting were usually stupid things like an actors name or a football players first name or even the name of a illness I once heard about, thats not memory loss at all it's just think I put to the back of my mind as it was not important.

So if any of you out there have experienced these symptoms and are scared they are something serious, just look every single symptom I have ever worried about is either gone or a lot better, Just goes to show the huge variety of symptoms anxiety can actually cause!

I have booked in therapy sessions, but I am going to be the youngest there which is a bit off putting (I'm 18) although I'm going to go anyway as I think it will help.

08-10-12, 17:38
My eye floaters are with me 24/7 and my speech is quite slurry. Glad i'm not the only one as i was sure it was a tumour

08-10-12, 17:44
I was also sure, but my grandad actually has a brain tumour and I spoke to him about it, told him my symptoms and he just laughed at me, he said if I had a brain tumour I would know about it

08-10-12, 17:46
My mum tells me the same as her Brother had one

08-10-12, 18:06
let me know if you have had these symptoms

09-10-12, 04:06
Humm, I can relate to a couple of those on your list...

Lets see:

-Trouble breathing: Used to, not so much now that I cut a bit on cigs and started exercising. I was more frequent when I was really anxious and on certain positions (in bed)

-Heart palpitations: sometimes, they becomed less since I started to ignore them and not being anxious about it. Also reducing the stress on my life and some anxiety pills keep them in check.

-Dizzyness: I have it whenever my blood pressure in very low or when I shift too fast from sitting/laying down to standing position. Usually getting some sugar in fixes it (GP's advice), like a cookie, fruit or some juice.

-Numbness and tingling: Also have it on occasions on my hands or fingers, it turned out it was mostly bad posture while sitting.

-Fatigue: used to have it a lot. I was so stressed that I wouldn't properly relax or rest, add your nerves on the edge all day and you'll burn out quick. All gone after remove the stress part, doing exercise and hobbies.

-Nausea: Only when I'm very anxious or mildy anxious for a long time.

-Muscle twitching: Allways had it, I remember being a kid and having it. To me it occurs when I'm in bed or after a long run of exposure to stress and anxiety. According to the GP its some sort of "discharge" on the nervous system due to all the frantic activity. I've noticed it is more frequent on stressfull/anxious periods of my life.

I made this list, because for a long time I too was scared out of my mind about some of these symptoms (or the combinations between), for while I kept relating them on my mind to all sorts of catastrophes. Now I'm learning to face them for they really are: quirks and idiosyncrasies of the combination between my mind and my body.

My policy about these things are: exam and test...twice on different doctors, if they both come out ok, then you must be ok...even if we still believe that might be something more. Or do it 3 times and be absolutely sure ;)

Being a bit of a paranoid bloke myself, I got myself tested and examed, in some cases twice. All clear, got my third round set up for this month with a couple of exotic novelties to check, if it also comes clear I'll start some serious anxiety fighting! I've had enough panic and sleepless nights for a life time ;)