View Full Version : Lyme tests from Breakspear came backs positive.. Heartbroken

08-10-12, 17:39
So as some know I have suspected Lyme disease for a while now after having a mysterious rash in my first trimester followed by odd symptoms ! Had some nhs tests run which came back negative . Anyway I still felt something was not right and I wet to a private lyme specialist place and my tests today returned positive !
I'm gutted and v sad as the outcome for my little one doesn't seem good considering I have caught it in the first trimester and have not treated till now .....
I can't believe my anxiety was lyme all along!
Thanks for everyone's in put here but maybe it's time I left as jclearly have a disease not anxiety .
I haven't stopped crying today and am so worried for my unborn

08-10-12, 17:41
How is Lyme's treated?

08-10-12, 17:44
Oh hun I'm so so sorry to read this.. Im sorry but I know nothing about Lyme's disease. Is it possible that the baby could be unaffected? Would they be able to tell via scan? I seriously hope everything is ok with you and your little one. Take care xxx

08-10-12, 17:47
Really sorry to hear this sending you :hugs::hugs::hugs:

08-10-12, 18:15
I am so sorry to hear this and I honestly thought it would come back negative so I am sorry for that as well.

Please don't leave NMP though as you still need support whatever illness you have.

I assume you now need to tell the doctor so they can treat it and also do checks on the unborn baby as well.

Please let us know how it goes ok?

08-10-12, 18:15
So sorry to hear this.

I have just been reading through your older threads and noticed how you had tests before that didnt show anything and you said your doctor thought you were crazy for asking for these tests at one point. You know your own body and good for you for following it through and getting a diagnosis, i know its not the one you wanted but you now know what is wrong and can start treatment.

I really feel for you and we are all here if you ever need to talk.


08-10-12, 18:29
Oh hun im so sorry to hear this :hugs: please don't leave NMP, we're all here to help you through :hugs: xx

20-10-12, 01:48
Are you still around to reply to us?

06-11-12, 06:51
Hey yes still around x

macc noodle
06-11-12, 07:42
Lyme disease can be safely treated with antibiotics during pregnancy and should not affect your baby.

06-11-12, 11:42
Hi macc. It went undiagnosed for 5mo during my prgnancy so I only started treatment at week 30 .. I am now 37.5 weeks ! So there is a chance its made some effct but im trying to Remain posotive. Just want my little man to be here now x

macc noodle
06-11-12, 12:53
I am sure it will be fine - great that you are trying to be positive - it will help you in the long run :hugs:

Hope the meds clear it and you go on to have a happy and stress free final stage to your pregnancy.

Macc Noodle