View Full Version : Newbie struggling with my medication

08-10-12, 17:51
Hi anyone and everyone . New to all this and it's a bit nerve racking ! I'm 42 years old with a grow up daughter of 22 , a 9 year old daughter , a 7 year old son and a 1 year old grandson . I adore them all but find motherhood very difficult at times as I'm a single parent to the two youngest . I have suffered with depression since I was 13 but was not diagnosed until after the birth of my oldest . Not sure what medication they prescribed me but it turned me into a zombie so after a week or so they went in the bin . I just put up with the low moods and stress for years until a friend persuaded me to get help . Tried many anti depressants until I found Prozac to me the best for me . Began on 40 mg for a few years til I had my other children but after the traumatic birth of my son it was increased to 60 . I have a wonderful new partner who is very supportive as I have been dealin with financial problems and going through a very bitter divorce . At the beginning of this year I began to feel unwell again and the doctor told me that she believed the Prozac had stopped working for me . A Prozac "poop out" which I didn't know existed . I also began to suffer from awful palpitations , anxiety and panic attacks . 5 weeks ago I was put on 50mg of Lustral/Sertraline and feel no better yet . The side effects are terrible - almost constant nausea , diarrhoea , ridiculous night sweats , shaking and feeling dizzy . I can't get in to see my doctor until 25th (!!!) and don't really want to see any other doctor . Would love to hear any stories or advice as I'm insure whether to just stop takin them or to struggle until the 25th ? Is it normal for the side effects to last this long ? Thanks for reading x

fozzy is crying
08-10-12, 17:51

08-10-12, 18:02
Hi Sazzle36

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

08-10-12, 21:14
Did you taper off from the Prozac, it could be withdrawal symptom's.

08-10-12, 22:15
Hiya yeah it took me 6 weeks to come off the Prozac really slowly x