View Full Version : Funny story....

08-10-12, 17:55
So I decided to pop to get a pasty from the bakers today...I collected it and felt slightly anxious during the trip....I paid for the pasty and exited....As I sat in my car I placed the pasty in the bag on the seat next to me and as I went to start the engne my hand brushed over my wrist...It was BOILING...In that second...I felt a spike of adrenaline run through my legs and belly in pure confusion and fear...My mind was whirling as to what was going on..I was sat there touching the area and comparing it to other areas on my arms..I must of looked crazy...and yes you have probably already guessed...after a about a minute of pure dread I realised that the reason was that I had been clutching my hot pasty against the area! How ridiculous!!! Just thought I would share!! lol

08-10-12, 18:01
:roflmao: The things that set our anxiety off! Hope you enjoyed the pasty :)

08-10-12, 18:06
The pasty was lovely. I just felt so silly after. It wasn't even my rational brain that made it react that way. I just felt the hot patch and thought "thats' weird/not right" and the adrenaline hit..bang..It is amazing how being anxious keeps you on the egde all the time. I hope the cit can calm this!!

08-10-12, 18:51

Your that busy freaking out that you don't think of the logical stuff.

08-10-12, 19:19
haha that sounds like something i would do!!
It is nice when we can make light of our anxiety, makes it that little bit less scary!

Jenni xx

08-10-12, 20:00
That made me smile as it reminded me of myself! I do things like that all the time. I freaked out the other week when my right side went numb and only realised later on it was because I'd been laying on my side on the sofa for about two hours!

08-10-12, 20:04
not as daft as me, after I fractured my foot I was worried that I couldn't move my toes, my husband said "maybe that's because you have a plaster cast over them to stop them moving!" :doh:

09-10-12, 05:04
Aw I do stuff like that all the time : )

11-10-12, 12:19
Here's another one for the list. I was brushing my teeth one evening and the toothbrush came out pretty much black! I was thinking what the hell is going on?! Completely freaking out! Then I remembered I'd eaten a pavlova earlier with BLUEBERRIES in which had obviously got stuck in my teeth. Deary me....:doh: