View Full Version : Feeling quite low...

08-10-12, 18:14
I am currently trying to distract myself from my feelings using the forum. This place has helped me a lot in the recent past, so hopefully I might feel better once I have gotten this off my chest...I just feel really down at the moment and I know it's largely to do with my HA. I've recently moved, which has been quite stressful and now that I have finally got my foot on the property ladder I am scared stiff about the 30 year mortgage repayment. I feel very much under pressure to perform well in my job and to stay healthy etc. I find that instead of enjoying my new home I just find myself going to bed early and waking up early and just sitting around the house watching tv (when I am not at work). I've been obsessing with getting ill a lot as well. Doesn't help that it's cold season right now and everybody and his brother seems to have one and the weather is crappy...I always obsess about every little thing from having an appetite to not having one, taking my temperature all the time, feeling my heart for odd beats, getting worried when I get tired or head-achy or get scared every time I have a bit of stomach ache-probably all due to the constant worrying and stressing....arrrgghh, I hate this feeling. It's like I am not living my life happily anymore, but I never used to be like this. I always used to really enjoy life and be really upbeat, but not anymore....:weep:

fozzy is crying
08-10-12, 18:15

08-10-12, 18:20
sending you :hugs::hugs: Do you have any medication or counselling to help you?

08-10-12, 18:22
Has this all came back around since the move? Such a huge stress you have been through..

08-10-12, 18:38
Thank you ladies. :) I am not actually on any medication, but probably wouldn't go a miss...the trouble is that my immediate family and boyfriend are not very understanding and supportive of my HA. They just ignore me when I talk to them about my fears. They say they don't want to feed into it, because it's stupid etc...I never wanted to speak to a doctor about this kind of thing, because I've been lead t believe it's "silly" and I don't dare get to the point where someone may suggest to take time off work, as that would scare me about my job security, so I sort of battle this alone and use forums like No more Panic and you guys are all very lovely. :) These feelings have become worse since the move, as I sort of miss my old home a bit and I had to get rid of a lot of things and there's a fair bit of hassle that comes with moving, but I hope in the long term it turn out to be the right thing...I just need to sort this heath anxiety. I did wonder about having a health assessment and posted about that on here, asking if anyone else had ever had one, but the general idea I got was that they're not that helpful for someone with HA, as you always find something else to obsess about....probably true, no? :):hugs:

08-10-12, 18:42
House moves are always very stressful, even more so when you have anxiety. It really is not 'silly' and your doctor will not think that. As you can see from this site, there are lots of people who suffer from anxiety and your doctor will be able to refer you to someone who can help with counselling. :hugs:

08-10-12, 18:50
Thank you, Annie. :) you are very lovely. Perhaps I will have to step out of my shadow and see my doc-as this just isn't getting better on its own....

08-10-12, 19:01
Sometimes we just have to give in and say "I need some help to get me through this" I have found my doctors to be very understanding and supportive :)

08-10-12, 19:05
Thanks Annie. :) hopefully mine will be the same.

08-10-12, 19:19
like you i always put off my feeling in the end i lost it and got put in hospital then a really didnt know why i never when to my doctor in the first place you should go it helps a bit to make that first step

08-10-12, 22:37
:( Me too i am feeling very worried and unhappy recently. Started my first job and all sorts of stress feed into my HA. Every couple of weeks there are new sets of symptoms, moments of pure fear of feeling hopeless and terrified. Today my throat has been feeling weird, its like i have camps in my throat.
This feeling is so consuming and makes me so unhappy because when my HA kicks in like now I genuinely believe I have this terrible illness, all boxes tick.
I wish I could do something about this, but no matter how hard I try it always comes back and it feels horrible! :(

09-10-12, 07:04
On top of it all, I also started a new job only 3 months ago...this doesn't help either, as I am always stressing about that too. I think a person without HA would also find all these changes a little stressful, however a person with HA is going to find all this at once too much...Mocha, those throat feelings you describe could well be linked to the worry you have. I had this about a year ago. Does it feel really tight and uncomfortable? This is a very frustrating sensation, but more than likely linked to stress and anxiety. Oh what I would give to live in peace from HA....