View Full Version : Need Advice Please (Feel like I can't Breathe)

08-10-12, 18:48
Hey everyone, It's been a while since I've posted but lately I've been dealing with some breathing issues and I would really like some reassurance.

I'm 25yo, don't smoke and exercise regularly but lately I've been feeling like I can't catch my breath. It feels like I have to breathe in deeply in order to get a full breath. I also experience a lot of post nasal drip which causes me to have to clear my throat and this seems to make things worse sometimes.

Now I do have my days where its not so bad but today its just been scaring me. I'm trying to tell myself its nothing and it's just my allergies acting up but it's hard to get my mind in that right place.

Has anyone experience this before? Just want to make sure that I don't have bronchitis or something worse. I'm so confused. Thank you!

08-10-12, 19:05
You mentioned you have allergies so I guess that is the cause of your problems you have described. Do you take antihistamines? Maybe you could try something like cetirizine and see if that helps?

08-10-12, 19:11
Hi, I currently am experiencing just about every health anxiety symptom going and really struggling with breathing probs at moment. I have no idea if mine is due to allergies or anxiety, or the cold i currently have ,which of course makes me panic. Heart goes faster, harder to breathe, etc etc, it's a vicious circle. So yes totally relate. :hugs: