View Full Version : Hi all

08-10-12, 22:03
Hi all my name is Michelle, I am 35 years of age and have recently began suffering from panic attacks that just happen very unexpectedly. I had my First one about 8 weeks ago and can only describe it as that similar to suffering a heart attack (even though I have never suffered a heart attack) I felt absolutely terrified, my heart was racing, my whole body became so weak I thought I was about to collapse, the colour drained from my face, I was white as a sheet. It took me nearly half of that day to get over it, it literally drained the life out of me. I have since gone on to have yet another one yesterday morning which was not as bad but similar, if I'm being honest It took me all day to get over it. I have been to my gp today who seems to think I am in early menopause and this is the cause of the attacks. Has anyone been told the same or similar ?

fozzy is crying
08-10-12, 22:08


08-10-12, 22:13
Hi Michelle35

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

08-10-12, 22:14
Michelle, I thhought the symtoms were because my thyroid tablets were out of sinc with with the dose I should be on. I was having the hot flushes and panic attacks and everone was telling me I had the male manopause. I had a long chat with one of the doctors at my surgery and she told me not to fobbed off by what some of the docytors tell you.
Look at this web site and read about CBT and go to your doctor and asked to be refered if you think it is panic and anxiety. The earlier you catch the easier it is to treat it. you might catch it early enough to stay off the drugs.

Good Luck you are looking at the right web site


08-10-12, 22:18
I know anxiety and panic attacks can be worse during menopause but I am not sure how your doctor came to that conclusion unless you have other menopause symptoms or it has shown in blood tests?

08-10-12, 22:30
Welcome Michelle :)

08-10-12, 23:10
Hi Michelle I'm a newbee too :welcome:

08-10-12, 23:18
Hello Michelle.. I am with Annie your doc won't be able to tell if your in the beginnings of menopause without bllod tests for your hormones. x