View Full Version : Reacurring Night Panic Attacks

07-08-06, 06:48
Just wanted to talk again. Having a bad night time Panic Attack. Get so hot and sweaty and wake up so scared. I really hate it. Well just wanted to talk. Family thinks I am crazy. Thanks for listening.


07-08-06, 08:17
I sympathize with you i have just had worse night in a while woke up at three from a really heavy sleep and managed to calm myself down got back to sleep. About 20 mins ago woke up agqain from a really horrible dream still shaking i have given up now till tonite my head feels awful and spacey. It is nice to talk on here my husband does not understand either. Hope u feel better soon


07-08-06, 08:17
I sympathize with you i have just had worse night in a while woke up at three from a really heavy sleep and managed to calm myself down got back to sleep. About 20 mins ago woke up agqain from a really horrible dream still shaking i have given up now till tonite my head feels awful and spacey. It is nice to talk on here my husband does not understand either. Hope u feel better soon


07-08-06, 08:23
Thank you Melissa, It is so great to have someone to talk to when I wake up like this. I don't feel so alone. I hope you are feeling better too. Night time is the worst time to get these PA because everyone else is sleeping. Okay then lets try to calm down and get back to sleep.

07-08-06, 08:23
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Just wanted to talk again. Having a bad night time Panic Attack. Get so hot and sweaty and wake up so scared. I really hate it. Well just wanted to talk. Family thinks I am crazy. Thanks for listening.


<div align="right">Originally posted by Twila - 07 August 2006 : 06:48:14</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote"> Hi Twila,

I am awake too. I feel bad every morning. I start trying to relax all over again. I get missed heartbeats, queasiness,shakiness. My husband is lying here sleeping soundly as usual while I am going thru this. I am glad there is someone to communicate with. Just sorry that it means someone else is suffering too.


07-08-06, 08:33
Hi Mia, Sure stinks to be up by yourself and feel so bad. It is so great to have support of people like you. Sorry that you are another one of us who have been cursed with anxiety. Thanks for you kind words. It is so great to talk to others like myself.

07-08-06, 08:45
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Mia, Sure stinks to be up by yourself and feel so bad. It is so great to have support of people like you. Sorry that you are another one of us who have been cursed with anxiety. Thanks for you kind words. It is so great to talk to others like myself.

<div align="right">Originally posted by Twila - 07 August 2006 : 08:33:45</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote"> I'm just waiting until my husband is up. I take him to work every morning. I hate driving when I am feeling bad, but I am used to it. Sometimes I just drive around to keep from being alone at home. Usually my son is here, but he went away for the night.


09-08-06, 13:12
hey there, i totally sympathise with ya. i havnt had a panic attack for almost a year and then the past couple of weeks ive been stressed at work and ive been feeling out of sorts again. Lo and behold i woke up in the night with hot and cold sweats and thinking my world was ending when i realised i was having a panic attack. worst thing ever.

when i get these i tend to sit upright in my bed or the bathroom (because its cold there) and take deep breaths, holding my breath in then exhaling ensuring that my body totally relaxes before taking another breathe in. this seems to help and lets me get back to sleep again.

its soooo scarey though, try deep breathes next time, fingers crossed they do the business for you like theydo for me.

good luck
