View Full Version : A tale from the dreaded vaults of anxiety...

09-10-12, 04:22
This comes to show how our anxiety manages to dominate our minds...

One time, during my "dark period of health anxiety" I found a lump on the back of my neck...

I was terrified, agonised and anxious for weeks. I was already stressing about my heart, and now a lump...a bloody lump! It must be it causing the heart thing (of course, now it all adds up :P)

So I took a nice ride on the anxiety train for a while. Adding to the heart thing (pain, palpitations, etc.), I had my neck hurting and some headaches... "getting worse by the day" I thought..."how much would I have left if its a tumor or a cancer?" I wondered...

Finally, while visiting my parents I managed to round up some courage and tell my mom about it and how I was going to go to the doctor about it, etc.

Mom looked at me like I was crazy and calmly reminded me that I have a old injury on that spot... I sort of "ripped" the muscle a bit when I was young (during my football days)...

I totally forgot about it... I was so obcessed about my health that I actually forgotten about something like that!

So thats why it hurt (like it allways did for the last 20 years) when I'm tired, slouch my back for too long, or do too much heavy lifting. And if it goes like that for a while It causes me headaches too (it's a reflex pain thing according to the sports doctor). It is such a nasty and insidious thing that some massaging and some ice can make the both the pain and the lump disapear :P

I left my parents house feeling like an idiot. That was the first time that I actually thought that maybe, just maybe there might be a bit too much anxiety over the matter.

Time has proven it right so far, with every synthom being debunked or extinct with changes of life pace, mind set and the occasional anxiety pill.

Lets see if the last round of tests can deliver the final blow!