View Full Version : Really scaring myself

09-10-12, 05:47

So i've recently been told that I probably have Health Anxiety by my GP, but, i'm still waiting to see a mental health specialist for a full assessment. However, a few weeks ago I experienced numbness around my body which eventually went way, so I accepted it was probably due to anxiety and a physical symptom of the massive panic attack I had a few weeks ago. But, over the last 2 or 3 days I've had a headache that keeps coming and going and numbness in my face and seem to be seeing more floaters in my eyes. I'm terrified this means i'm having an aneurysm or that I have a brain tumour. I keep telling myself it's probably due to my anxiety/panic and if I calm down it'll probably go away, but, I just can't seem to shake the fear something is seriously wrong and it's making me lose sleep. Has anyone else experienced symptoms like this? I am in a total panic right now.

09-10-12, 07:13
Hi Faye, I think I too have experienced what you describe. I don't think this is anything more than your anxiety creeping up on you and/or like you said the aftermath of your recent panic attack. These floaters you speak of, are they like seeing little stars even though you have your eyes open? If so, I get this quite a lot as well. I have also had a mild headache for the past couple of days, as I haven't been sleeping well and I think the bad weather (humid, grey) may also play a part in that. May well be the same for you that these headaches are just from being over-tires coupled with the stressing. I would say that these symptoms are no cause for concern-given your situation, however you could mention your worries to your GP and maybe he/she could help you put your mind at rest about this? Anxiety does cause many physical symptoms that are unpleasant. All the best to you. :)

09-10-12, 07:34
Yes, that's exactly it. It's reassuring to know that others have experienced the same thing. I think I will try and make a appointment with my GP for reassurance. Although, I sometimes hate going the GP because I think i'm wasting their time. But, no harm in getting checked out. I haven't been sleeping properly for a while now, so i'm sure that doesn't help either. I stupidly typed my symptoms into Google and it's put all sorts of ideas into my head and got me into a panic. I'm a little calmer now, but, I think i'll make an appointment anyway. Thanks so much for your reply.

09-10-12, 08:13
Hiya ive had anxiety for over 6 years now and the first 3 i was convinced i had a brain tumour until it occurred to me one day that if i did have one id be dead by now lol i to suffer from headaches, dizziness, sickness, floatings in my eyes (been to opticions and doctors all fine) its horrid i know but it is all panic related cbt has really helped me and everyday is a battle but worth it for my lil girl. Hope u get things sorted x

09-10-12, 09:06
You shouldn't worry about wasting your doctors time. When it comes to someone's health and wellbeing then nothing can be a waste of time. You're not going to see a doctor for the fun of it, are you? Besides it's their job. I'm sure all is fine though and once you have the appropriate reassurance you will probably forget this ever happened and you can move on. :)