View Full Version : Re-introduction/a bit of a venting.

09-10-12, 08:51
I signed up for this site years ago, but I don't think I really did much here. Lately this sort of thing has been on my mind even more than it used to be though.

I get anxious a lot, but I don't know if I really have a disorder or if it's just a combination of little things that make it seem a lot worse than it is. I really don't like going out, sometimes I'm okay when I'm outside but other times it feels like everyone is looking at me and making fun of me. Generally I don't enjoy going out because I don't want anyone to see me. It used to be that I wouldn't go out anywhere without anyone, but sometimes if I'm in the right frame of mind I can face up to it.

I enrolled in college a few weeks ago, and for the first couple of weeks I was feeling really confident. Probably the most confident I've ever felt. I made a ton of new friends within a couple of days, and I actually took charge and lead people for a change. Apparently my teachers noticed too, because I was even elected for the student voice panel. But then at the end of the week something changed, I said goodbye and said I'd see everyone next week, then never went back.

And now I'm getting all these phone calls and it's tearing me apart because I want to be at college, I want to do this and advance and build a career, but it feels like the second I go outside the world's going to come crashing down on me. This isn't the first time this has happened to me, I'm just so sick of putting all this effort into things and then snapping out of it halfway through. I don't even know if it's got anything to do with anxiety, I'm wondering if it's just my personality that's at fault here, if I'm just getting lazier as I get older or something. The anxiety goes away if I don't talk about it, or if I avoid the things I don't like, so I feel really normal and happy when I'm inside. I talk to my friends long distance and some days I honestly forget that I've ever had any problems. As long as no one talks about it, I could probably go for months and months without feeling bad about never going outside. Except for the fact that it makes me gain weight like crazy.

I don't have panic attacks as often as I used to so it feels like I'm getting better, but then seemingly nothing throws me off and I'm just sitting here wondering what's wrong with me. Whenever I'm with friends I just get this huge confidence boost, but I can't bring it out on my own. I live so far away from everyone I know, I can't work up the courage to do anything anymore.

I have a doctor's appointment later today. My parents want me to take medication because this has been going on for so long, ever since I was in primary school. I'm really not happy about taking any kind of drugs, I barely even take paracetamol, but I don't want to go through this cycle anymore. I'm just so sick of it all, but I'm sure you all know that feeling. :\

09-10-12, 09:02
Hi Makara

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-10-12, 09:03
I am pleased you have taken the step to see your doctor. none of us like to take medication but sometimes we have to so that we can get relief from the anxiety. I would rather be taking meds than have the anxiety all the time. Ask your doctor about counselling also..maybe you could try counselling before the meds if you are so worried about taking them. :hugs:

09-10-12, 09:17
I was referred for counselling before, but I couldn't talk on the phone when the woman rang, and when we finally organised a time and place I couldn't bear to go out and missed the appointment. So... I think there may be a bit of a problem there. :whistles:

One step at a time, I suppose!