View Full Version : constant nausea feeling low

09-10-12, 09:10
Does anybody else suffer with nausea especially in the morning, also head pressure and slightly blocked ears. I know these can be symptoms of anxiety, but with my current obsession with cancer, I am feeling really low. Yesterday someone I have not seen for a while told me I had lost weight, which has only added to my anxiety and now am convinced I am again suffering some terrible illness. My G.P. said during last appointment that I am hard to reassure because I have already made my mind up I seriously ill. I want to be like my old self again!:weep:

09-10-12, 09:19
I suffer from nausea a lot...classic symptom of anxiety. I also have constant head pressure and feeling my ears are blocked also noises in my ears like a heartbeat sound. All have been checked and fine. I know the head and ear problem is anxiety because the more anxious I get the worse the ears get. If you are nauseous you will be eating less, hence the weight loss. I lost a stone in a few weeks last month because the anxiety was stopping me eating so much.:hugs:

09-10-12, 09:46
All classic anxiety symptoms. I went through a phase lasting a couple of weeks during my nine-month-long period of anxiety disorder of nausea that was worse in the morning. Any pressure to your head is on the outside. If you tense your neck muscles, the ones just under your ears, you will make your ears buzz. Your body tenses those muscles as part of the fight/flight response - your neck is where your spine is most vulnerable in the face of attack by a predator. The nausea is also part of your fight/flight response - your digestion is shutting down to divert energies elsewhere.

09-10-12, 10:39
thanks for your replies, that heartbeat sound in the ears is horrible, do you also get pulse sensation all over body? I just feel I need so much reassurance at the moment and I personally don't have anybody close to me who understands health anxiety. :hugs:

09-10-12, 10:48
I get all sorts of sensations, pulsing, pins and needles, shaking...all anxiety related :hugs:

09-10-12, 11:14
I can totally relate to all you have said. It is horrible feeling sick all the time. I wake up feeling rough most mornings but as the day goes on it passes.