View Full Version : Does everyone else....

09-10-12, 11:32
Does everyone else experience these symptoms...

Burning sensation through upper stomach and arms/chest.
Numbness in general and the inability to feel the breaths that you are taking deeply
Flushed cheeks
Spaced out/disconnected from everything
Sense of pure dread and doom
Constant butterflies in belly
Weakness esppecially in arms and legs
Rumbling belly and loose bowel movements
Feeling low and like giving up
Tiredness and constant wanting to sleep
Feeling tense and tight at all times
Feeling sick/no appetite
Flickering sensation in eyes abit like strobe lights in the corners
Super awareness to sounds

I woke up feeling all of this last night and just knew that I would faint if I stood up. I lead with my legs up against the wall and it took nearlt 2 hours to calm down. It wasn't so much a panic attack but a constant feeling of all these symptoms and more. I have beenon cit 10mg for 35 days and yesterday took my first dose of 20mg. Alot of these symptoms happened on Sunday before I upped the dose so I don't think it really is that. I don't understand why I was starting to feel better then it has literally taken me back to the very bottom and somehow possibly lower. Can anyone relate to these. Especially the burning sensation.

09-10-12, 11:56
i generally have alot of them symptoms, when i get up its always bad it can take hours for me to come round ,my gp[ told me i would get good days and bad days you were having a bad day ,it doesnt mean youve took a step back just put it behind you and focus on having a good day everyday different i hope you have a good day xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:bighug1:

09-10-12, 11:57
I have felt all of those Lu...have you had something to eat? Make sure you do eat something even if you don't feel like it. Even if it is a couple of plain biscuits :hugs::hugs:

09-10-12, 11:57
They're all common with anxiety, I've experienced all of them.

This link has every symptom you described in detail


apart from the burning one so I looked up a thread for you that you might find interesting


Feel better soon x

09-10-12, 12:24
I have eaten a bowl of cereal and really had to force it down but eating does make me feel better. Thank for the replies (and links) I was so terrified last night and if I have a particularly bad attack I always tend to feel really low after for a day or so and re-live and dwell. I suppose this is my main problem x

09-10-12, 12:39
Yea, a severe panic attack can stay with you for days/weeks/months. Bad ones really mess with my head, I just wait for it to happen all over again.

It's still so raw in your head with it only being last night, your nerves must be on fire, so just be good to yourself today. Make sure to eat again and have a nice long hot bath, that helps me a bit. You're gonna be ok x

09-10-12, 12:48
Yea, a severe panic attack can stay with you for days/weeks/months. Bad ones really mess with my head, I just wait for it to happen all over again.

It's still so raw in your head with it only being last night, your nerves must be on fire, so just be good to yourself today. Make sure to eat again and have a nice long hot bath, that helps me a bit. You're gonna be ok x

Thanks so much. I just feel very down and sort of like I am back to square one. I am also on day 2 of my new 20mg dosage of Cit so I just feel awful. My butterflies are constant and I am back on the highest alert. I literally feel the adrenaline get released and shoot through my arms and chest. I also have this empty feeling in my upper belly. It is so annoying and I am just super aware of it all. Grrrrr. It is such a hard illness to overcome isn't it? You can never just relax to get better!! xx

09-10-12, 13:02
Hang in there. I dont remember experiencing any of these when i first started taking citalopram (although it was 9years ago), but am experiencing several symptoms in coming off them. Seems all anxiety related. sounds like you need to see your doc? Xo

09-10-12, 13:07
The adrenaline shoots through my arms and chest too. I haven't felt that in a while but I remember clearly enough to know exactly how you're feeling right now! Defenseless, ill, scared, hopeless, one hour feels like five and it's probably quite painful on seemingly every single muscle in your entire body.

It's very hard to overcome but there's no rush, you're not back to square one and you will get better. You're gonna calm down from this in a day or two and move on from it because you can! :)

You're brave, strong and your anxiety isn't going to last forever, keep reminding yourself of that. Turn down your phone so the noise doesn't startle you or give you extra adrenaline rushes and do something you enjoy. You'll come through the other side of this, promise! x

09-10-12, 13:39
The adrenaline shoots through my arms and chest too. I haven't felt that in a while but I remember clearly enough to know exactly how you're feeling right now! Defenseless, ill, scared, hopeless, one hour feels like five and it's probably quite painful on seemingly every single muscle in your entire body.

It's very hard to overcome but there's no rush, you're not back to square one and you will get better. You're gonna calm down from this in a day or two and move on from it because you can! :)

You're brave, strong and your anxiety isn't going to last forever, keep reminding yourself of that. Turn down your phone so the noise doesn't startle you or give you extra adrenaline rushes and do something you enjoy. You'll come through the other side of this, promise! x

Thank you so much for this. Just the kind of positive words we need in these hard times. I am just taking each day at a time. Although it's more like each minute lol. xx