View Full Version : How Do You Cope Alone?

09-10-12, 15:28
I'm going to start by saying I know that there are people in far worse positions than me but I am interested to see how people keep going.

I live alone since splitting with a girl at start of this year and lately it has really started to hit me. I have family there for me plus a few good friends, but I do not see them often, as they either live far away or have their own busy lives. If I could create more friends I would, because relying on a handful is difficult!

I have even started trying to date someone new, though it is early days. Despite all this, when I get back to my flat on my own, I feel lost. On Saturday I started to cry as I faced the prospect of being all alone of an evening. It was horrible and I started to question what do I have here to keep me going. I know that in my positon being alone doesn't mean always, but in the times where I am, I'm struggling to keep my chin up and soldier on. Do people just use hope as motivation to carry on when all feels lost? While some people thrive on being single I seem to just forever be thinking and worrying about when I will get to be with someone again.

fozzy is crying
09-10-12, 15:52
I'm going to start by saying I know that there are people in far worse positions than me but I am interested to see how people keep going.

I live alone since splitting with a girl at start of this year and lately it has really started to hit me. I have family there for me plus a few good friends, but I do not see them often, as they either live far away or have their own busy lives. If I could create more friends I would, because relying on a handful is difficult!

I have even started trying to date someone new, though it is early days. Despite all this, when I get back to my flat on my own, I feel lost. On Saturday I started to cry as I faced the prospect of being all alone of an evening. It was horrible and I started to question what do I have here to keep me going. I know that in my positon being alone doesn't mean always, but in the times where I am, I'm struggling to keep my chin up and soldier on. Do people just use hope as motivation to carry on when all feels lost? While some people thrive on being single I seem to just forever be thinking and worrying about when I will get to be with someone again.

I do not cope but have no choice unlike you I am alone 24/365 :weep::weep:


09-10-12, 15:54
You have to try and be happy with your own company, you can't rely on others to make you happy... With anxiety I think we become frightened to be alone, alone with our thoughts...you just have to distrct youself, clean, watch a good film, listen to music, go online etc...get new hobby maybe... Be happy with youself and you'll then be a happier person with others.

09-10-12, 16:40
I appreciate comments, I have seen your situation Fozzy and I admit it makes me look like I should man up and stop moaning when I compare myself. I cannot imagine what it must be like to be in your positon.

I guess your right Stormsky I need to keep myself company by doing things, it is hard when all I think about is when I will see someone next.

fozzy is crying
09-10-12, 16:48
I appreciate comments, I have seen your situation Fozzy and I admit it makes me look like I should man up and stop moaning when I compare myself. I cannot imagine what it must be like to be in your positon.

That does lessen your problem that is also real and unfair. I do pray that you or anyone else for that matter has to ever descend into my very complex hell to find out what it is like. However many males of my age do and few survive it.


15-10-12, 10:22
Ok I have just had a really lovely weekend where I had company and for the first time in a while felt happy! :)

However soon as I got home last night, I felt very low and went stright to bed. This morning I got up and the tears stared. :weep:

I am finding it so hard right now living my life going from euphoric highs to extreme lows. I simply cannot bear spending time alone and I'm scared it's going to kill me. I just wish the positive parts in my life could get me through the negative but it's not working.

15-10-12, 10:29
Hey hun, when i'm by myself during the day i tend to make sure that either the TV or radio is on so that there is always other noise about. We also have a cat and some fish so that i have some company - have you thought about getting a pet, that way you can always have a chat with them (the cat never talks back though sometimes does look at me like he understands what i'm saying :wacko:) i also read a lot, and have some hobbies (like cross stitching). Another idea could be things like joining a gym, night school, something which gets you out of the house but interacting with people (that way you feel less alone, fight your anxiety AND make some new friends)

I appreciate how hard it can be, but you aren't really alone, there are just periods of time when no-one else is around.

Hope it gets easier for you :hugs: