View Full Version : collarbone lymph nodes

09-10-12, 16:51
Yet another lymph node freak out today!
I have found what I think is a lymph node just above my collar bone. It is about pea sized and solid and doesn't move at all. I do not have one on the other side.
The thing is, I googled how to feel collarbone lymph nodes and when I follow those instructions the lump vanishes, but if I relax I can feel it!
Does anyone have any experience of anything like this?

09-10-12, 18:54
Do you search for lumps lol! I have 2 like this on the back of my head, but I'm not sure what they are, never really thought about them

09-10-12, 19:16
Yes I check for lumps about once every hour - sometimes I literally constantly look for lumps subconsciously for hours on end, and inevitably I find something each day! It is getting so bad that I feel my neck even when teaching a lesson and it is making it look as though I am nervous about teaching, I have the head of the department observing me on Thursday and my tutor coming from my uni on Halloween to see if I can qualify so I really need to get out of this asap!
You are lucky that you can ignore your symptoms!

09-10-12, 19:27
The symptoms I worry about are the ones you probably ignore, have you tried bach rescue remedy, it helped me when I had my joinery exam last year

09-10-12, 19:39
Probably! Mind you there are very few symptoms I ignore. It is horrible!
Yeah i maybe should try that, I am stressed about illness rather than being assessed as i know i can teach ... I cannot accept the fact that i am not ill though! What symptoms can't you ignore?

09-10-12, 19:46
Headaches, eye floaters, muscle twitching at the minute although I'm currently managing to control them. My doctor basically said I'm 18, I have a job, have a house and from what he can tell i'm perfectly healthy which kind of made me start to look at things differently, athough they are symptoms that do still concern me. I have never worried about lumps, don't know why probably will eventually haha already started checking for them >.> Try your best to keep it under control (easier said than do I know) as I have lost one job and a girlfriend because of my anxiety. hows the aches and pains today?

09-10-12, 20:27
I don't get any of your symptoms luckily! I am the same, 23 years old, I have a job plus I qualify as a teacher in May, hate a roof over my head, a good family, friends and an amazing boyfriend, and never been officially diagnosed with any illnesses, so like yourself it is strange that I am convinced I am ill! We really should be counting our blessings! I worry about driving my boyfriend away as I am forever prodding at him and trying to get him to stop smoking as I worry about his health too!
I have had slight armpit pain and ribcage pain but far less than in the past and my neck is agony but I think that is because I keep prodding it! Not going to touch it until Thursday to see if I feel a difference.
How did it cause you to lose your job and your girlfriend?

09-10-12, 20:44
My first ever job I got when I started at 16 when I started my apprenticeship, when I was bad with my anxiety about a year ago I was always missing days and my mind was just not on the job, messing up alot, cutting myself by accident and things because I just want with it. Got my mind set again and got a new job which I currently have now, never again going to let it affect my work.

My girlfriend was a similar story, I was just not with it, started neglecting her, not replying to texts not wanting to go out the house, I guess she just got fed up.

I used to be constantly at the gym, playing football, I got myself really fit, but ever since I havn't had the motivation to go anymore, going to try and get into it again.

I tend to notice symptoms that relate to the current illness im worrying about.

I wish you the best of luck with your teaching, and don't do what I did and neglect the ones you care about (Not saying you are, just some advice). Try your best not to search for lumps and bumps because your always going to find them :p

09-10-12, 21:41
Not so good! My anxiety luckily has not interfered with my life too badly but I worry about this placement as my anxiety is horrific, but in life in general I am not an anxious person, I do not get worried abut job interviews, exams, social situations ETC it is literally just illness or accidents ordeath of me or people close to me! When I was younger I was really worried about my parents splitting up as well.
I am the exact same, I am currently only noticing symptoms to do with lymphoma, however a while ago it was bruises and leg pain I noticed as I was worried about leukemia!
Exercise does help a lot, I have not had time for the gym recently. My boyfriend is quite an anxious person as well, he is on propanolol for his anxiety so he is quite understanding of the worried feeling but he does not worry about his health in the slightest!
I already feel like I am losing a few of my friends over this. It is horrible.
You are so right about looking for symptoms and finding them! If it was really serious I would be able to find lumps without prodding myself every 15 minutes!

09-10-12, 22:11
I'm not socially anxious, in fact i'm very confident like that. I blame google for my problems ever since I started to google my symptoms ive been out of control. I don't know if you google symptoms but I know for fact it's the worst thing in the world for health anxiety, because it always leads you to the worst possible conclusion.

09-10-12, 22:49
I am confident also, you need to be to stand in front of thirty teenagers for an hour at a time to try to make them interested about geography or modern studies haha!
I am the same with google. This all started because I googled leg pain and read leukemia! The leg pain has gone, and so have all the other symptoms of leukemia which I developed after reading about!
I will probably be so preoccupied worrying about being ill that I will get hit by a bus crossing a road, haha!