View Full Version : Tension headache NEED REPLY

09-10-12, 17:15
Does anyone know if tension headache can move from spot to spot, so that its in different spots different times? I've read it's usually like tight band. It can feel tense but not a band around head. It's fairly mild. Also I've read it doesn't worsen with activity & mine sometimes acts up a little with a lot of walking. My dr feels that's because I'm anxious about it which is feeding into the tension because with me I've been told its a combination of tension & anxiety that are feeding into each other. Does anyone know anything about this. Doesn't really need pain killers.

09-10-12, 17:19
Mine used to be predominantly over to the right-hand side but sometimes it was all over or to the left. Are your shoulder/neck muscles tight or sore?

09-10-12, 17:22
mine are on the left side, kind of a burning, tingling feeling sometimes numb. doctor reckons that in me a build up of adrenalin is contributing and has told me to exercise more. Mine are weird as they move from the side to the top and then to the back, also worse when driving!

fozzy is crying
09-10-12, 17:24
Does anyone know if tension headache can move from spot to spot, so that its in different spots different times? I've read it's usually like tight band. It can feel tense but not a band around head. It's fairly mild. Also I've read it doesn't worsen with activity & mine sometimes acts up a little with a lot of walking. My dr feels that's because I'm anxious about it which is feeding into the tension because with me I've been told its a combination of tension & anxiety that are feeding into each other. Does anyone know anything about this. Doesn't really need pain killers.

Yes it can move around. Depends on the cause and intensity if you need painkillers or something else.


09-10-12, 18:47
Hi almamatters , thank you for replying. I get a feeling like burning. Kind of a raw feeling. Sometimes when I walk a LOT back & forth in my apt which I do often, it flares up, but I have sinus issues too. Plus, I think my anxiety keeps it going despite exercise. It's NOT CONSTANT & it is mild. I'm just wondering why SOMETIMES NOT ALWAYS walking a lot sets it off. Could that be sinuses & anxiety? I'd like to get your opinion. Thank You.

---------- Post added at 13:47 ---------- Previous post was at 13:39 ----------

Gordon, I've seen several drs. They have no idea. They assure me it's not serious tho. They say usually tension headaches are not aggravated by exercise, BUT with me it could be sinuses & anxiety that are keeping it going when I walk a lot. Also not being hydrated enough can do it from what they've told me. Does this sound possible? Please don't say JUST listen to drs because they seem to be guessing because they don't have any real answers for me. I know people aren't drs here, I'm just wondering what YOU YOURSELF. May know from your drs or experiences. Thank You.

fozzy is crying
09-10-12, 18:52
[/COLOR]Gordon, I've seen several drs. They have no idea. They assure me it's not serious tho. They say usually tension headaches are not aggravated by exercise, BUT with me it could be sinuses & anxiety that are keeping it going when I walk a lot. Also not being hydrated enough can do it from what they've told me. Does this sound possible? Please don't say JUST listen to drs because they seem to be guessing because they don't have any real answers for me. I know people aren't drs here, I'm just wondering what YOU YOURSELF. May know from your drs or experiences. Thank You.

I need to think about this. I will get back to you here or by PM.


09-10-12, 18:55
Mine get worse when my heart rate raises sometimes, like I can feel my head pounding, turns out my headaches are caused by lack of caffeine (I'm a bit of an addict)

09-10-12, 18:56
Hi Violet, Been struggling with this for 6 months now and while I'm not sure regarding your situation I can try and explain mine see if it helps a bit. Mine began 6 months ago,burning etc side of head, as pain moves around G.P said tension/cluster headaches. prescribed sinus spray (did not work) Amytriptyline (did not work) various other pain meds, no success. Eventually had MRI, came back clear. Still have the pain today, still have no answers apart from anxiety, adrenalin build up causing tension. Mine does get worse when I am stressed out, but it's always there as a background pain. I hate it and would love some answers. Mine can get worse also with activity. No idea why neither! Hope you manage to find out :hugs:

09-10-12, 21:28
Hi almamatters , thank you ! At least I know I'm not the only one who gets this with activity, even tho its not always. I KNOW it's not brain tumor or serious, but I kept reading that tension headaches were not aggravated by activity, so I was left with the possibility that sinuses or anxiety must bf involved, because I KNOW sinuses can feel worse with certain movements. & by the way this burning thing, which I experience as a kind of slight raw feeling is weird. Dr CAN'T EXPLAIN THAT EITHER. I thank God it's not serious, it's just mysterious & I don know if ill ever figure it out . Had this 15 months now , since 7/2011. Thank You, your post really has helped me.

10-10-12, 09:08
you are welcome. Going back to G.P. this Friday regarding my health worries. Will post if I get any answers re my head pain.

18-10-12, 02:52
Hi, I started to get headaches about 20yrs ago just after I got married and moved. I convinced myself that I must have some sort of problem with my brain. This was when I first started to have panic attacks. All day everyday, shortness of breath, palpitations, shaking and numb tingling feeling in my hands and arms. I had no idea what It was that I was experiencing and had never heard of panic attacks. To me I just thought well that's it as a 25yr old I'm at deaths door! Then a very kind colleague got me a book about panic attacks. In this book it explained that headaches can be caused by muscle tension. I guess that my body was experiencing a lot of that due to the pressure it was under for the wedding and move. The thing is that you don't realise that your body is overworked and stressed until it screams at you, and this is what I bodies are doing when we experience a panic attack. I found a great osteopath who explained to me that tension around the neck and shoulders is like putting a ligature around your neck. The blood and oxygen can't flow properly and this will therefore cause headaches and even sinus problems. He gave a few treatments and the headaches just faded away. This did not stop the panic attacks though as any small ailment became a life threatening illness in my head. After many years and a failed marriage and another going the same way I finally went to a therapist who used cognitive hypnotherapy therapy with me. Finally after having a few sessions and getting 15yrs worth of worries of my chest I was more or less cured of dibilitaing panic attacks. I still have worries and I pop on here and give myself a little reminder that its ok its just anxiety. I have therapeutic massages regularly to de stress as I have figured out that muscle tension is the way that my body deals with stress. This can and does cause pains in my chest replicating a heart attack and the usual headaches etc.
so, my advice would be to not waste your life looking for answers from doctors and go see a good recommended therapeutic massure and get some cognitive hypnotherapy done too.
Good luck