View Full Version : Terrible HIV anxiety that seems to be going away.. But!

09-10-12, 17:28
So recently my anxiety about me contracting HIV has died down a bit. But I just need the peace of mind from someone over the Internet informing me about a few things:

1) I live with a roommate who says he's HIV negative, but I dont believe him. I have been weary of using my deodorant,toothbrush, and toilet paper because in afraid he used it for some reason and got some blood o it, therefore I'll use it and get HIV.. Is this crazy? Can i get it like that?

2) I recently have had protected sex three times with the same female who said she gets tested at the gyno, once again I'm having trouble believing her. Do girls get tested there for HIV?

Do I need to start trusting people? I'm losing it here!

09-10-12, 17:40
HIV tests tend not to be done routinely as they tend only to do a swab and HIV is not detectable by swab as far as I am aware. You can request one but it is done separate from the normal test.
You can't catch HIV from blood which has left the system. My mum works with injecting drug users (I don't mean her colleagues, I mean her clients!) and even she isn't worried about HIV.

09-10-12, 18:47
For someone with fears of HIV , you surprise me not using a condom....that's the common way to get it!

09-10-12, 23:09
For someone with fears of HIV , you surprise me not using a condom....that's the common way to get it!

I did use a condom. That's not a typo, I said protected sex

09-10-12, 23:11
I did use a condom. That's not a typo, I said protected sex

Sorry I misread!

10-10-12, 09:28
I know what your going through, I have had the HIV anxiety thoughts twice before but mine was a high risk exposure god knows how I didn't contract it. I played with fire and nearly got seriously burnt.

I really think you should chill out at about the HIV deodorant things and it's not a easy to contract as you think defiantly not through toiletries.

Well I went to clinic back in june for a check up and the basic screening consists of a urine sample for gon and clymidia and a blood sample for siphilis and HIV so there is four tests.

Plus the chance of her being HIV=low and you used a condom :). Plus she said she was tested. I know with an anxiety it's difficult to believe anyone even a doctor lol.