View Full Version : I fell... :(

09-10-12, 19:45
Haha, God I thought I'd take my mind off HA for a while and go for a walk in the countryside to take some photos since it's such a lovely autumn day. Well, I was walking up some wooden steps which were pretty slippy and of course, I slipped and fell flat on my face. I'm glad I was alone, my friends would have found it hilarious! It was quite a thump and now my legs are pretty bruised but my right arm is feeling quite strange. It feels quite weak and shaky, as if I've done a work out with it, I can't lift it above my head for too long before it starts shaking! Do you think it's just as a result of the fall??

09-10-12, 19:49
It will be a result of the fall, you have probably strained the muscles. I would recommend a good soak in the bath and see how you feel tomorrow, you may feel a bit worse as you often do the day after a fall but if your arm is a lot worse get it checked just in case you have sprained it and may need it strapping up. :hugs::hugs:

09-10-12, 19:49
You fell, so definitely would make sense why you have pains..

09-10-12, 19:50
Sorry to hear you had a fall. I do think this is a result of your fall. It may feel less shaky tomorrow and a little bruised too perhaps.
If you had broken it, I doubt you would be able to move it and would be it great pain.
Its just seems like you have twisted awkwardly in the fall. Give it a few days and I'm sure it will be fine.


10-10-12, 01:02
The shaking might be due to hurting the muscle, it happens me when anxious or when I have slept funny and my neck is stiff and sore

10-10-12, 01:22
If the arm or your hand swells up then go to A&E tomorrow as I fell up the stairs and fractured my elbow once!

fozzy is crying
10-10-12, 01:37
If the arm or your hand swells up then go to A&E tomorrow as I feel up the stairs and fractured my elbow once!

10-10-12, 04:51
I fell over a couple of weeks ago on my way to a CBT appointment - my own fault for wearing ridiculous platform footwear and having ingested 20mg of diazepam. I managed to somehow twist my ankle and scraped my left knee to the point of it ripping my jeans - and for some bizarre reason, later on I had a pain in my butt (literally - well, the left butt cheek) - was a bit worried as I have health anxiety but put it down to the fall. Had other pains aswell but I went down like a sack of spuds which I think explains it :doh:

Weird thing is, at the time I wasn't at all bothered by the fact that I had cut my knee cap open, twisted my ankle and ripped my jeas - first thing I did was check to see if anyone saw :roflmao: luckily there was no one about - so I hobbled along feeling a bit silly and in a fair bit of pain.

Agree that if you get any swelling or bad pains then get it checked out x

10-10-12, 16:57
Ah thanks everyone for the responses... I know it's fall related but it's still annoying! It's pretty sore today, I couldn't even get my car door opened earlier, it was too weak! I'll see how it is tomorrow then consider the doctors if no improvement. I've never fractured anything but I don't think it's that, it's not SO painful, it just feels uncomfortable if I move it a certain way and seems like there's no strength. My knees have great bruises on them too! It seems to be radiating from my shoulder, I can't remember exactly how I fell because it was so quick but I know I must have put my arm out to stop myself.
Bloody slippy stairs! Thanks again. :) x