View Full Version : A little Relief (Things I've done In Panic)

09-10-12, 21:09
I think I'm at the place now where I can look back and laugh at the things I've done in the middle of a panic induced state. I also think this can be a little relief for all my other Generalized Anxiety Disorder friends who have been diagnosed with the disorder.

1) I phoned my nurse demanding that I be sectioned because I was in danger of harming myself during a panic attack.

2) I was terrified that my dog was sniffing me because he picked up on a deadly condition that was undiagnosed.

3) I refused to go to a social events because that "heart attack" would happen right when I was having an amazing time (It always strikes when you least expect it).

4) I threw my mental health nurse out of the house because he was remaining calm while I was having a full blown panic attack (He really should have had me commited in my state).

5) I demanded my Doctor carry out numerous tests because that condition (Brain bleed, colon cancer, HIV, brain tumor and sky high blood pressure) would surely claim my life in only weeks.

6) They were going to kill me the minute I stepped outside the front door.

7) The neighbours were watching me and laughing.

8) I begged the psychiatrist to put me back on Valium so that I could die in a calm state.

9) Ringing my family in England, Los Angeles and Australia to say goodbye before I passed away.

10) The TV sound goes for a second and I'm convinced that I've lost my hearing.

Does anyone have similar stories? I'm sure we have all overreacted in times of panic? I have had a look at the past ten and now I can laugh at it. I know I was being overly dramatic, but the thoughts in the middle of it were so real lol:roflmao: