View Full Version : Boiling hot cheeks all red..anyone?

09-10-12, 21:12
So I feel ok this evening. Still highly anxiou sbut an doing some distractions so it is alot better than usual. I did put the heating on and have a few candles lit but am not particularly hot. Yet my cheeks are bright red and boiling..even my flannel/fan isn't easing this. Is this a common anxiety symptom?

09-10-12, 21:15
the burning sensation yes, I rushed to the doctor with this, he assures me its completely anxiety related :~)

09-10-12, 21:18
yes it is
i get it alot, especially after a panic attack or if anx high

09-10-12, 21:19
I have only had it once before and it was the same then..Just boiling cheeks and feel abit flushed...nowhere else is hot though! I think I am feeling slightly anxious as I woke up last night in the early hours and nearly fainted. It wasn't like a regular panic attack. Just the highest form of anxiety that made me so scared and dizzy that I was getting rudhing adrenaline through my arms and I get that feeling just before I have fainted in the past. It took 2 hours to calm down! I hope I get a good sleep tonight!!

09-10-12, 21:22
I get it on the back of my legs usually, had it on my neck and face too

09-10-12, 21:29
I have it on the front of my legs now too!! I get the leg thing quite abit.

09-10-12, 23:20
I get hot around my face/head/neck generally when anxious. Heat rises naturally of course, so I suppose this is the same in our bodies :)

10-10-12, 00:03
I get terrible hot flushes, all on my face, neck... Very attractive ha :) the doctor even had me sent for a blood test to check if I was going through the menopause.... At 29. Obviously the test said I'm not ha. Think it's nerves with me