View Full Version : Hi Guys....

09-10-12, 21:43
My first post....how scary...!!!!

Have been and avid reader on this forum over the last few weeks and decided to be brave and register...

Ok basic background: suffered severe post natal depression ...(22yrs ago)....Was prescribed Dothiepin which did a marvellous job....don't think id ever felt so good so was probs suffering before this without realising it...

Without boring you all stupid with detail.....I had a breakdown when my son was 4.....my dothiepin dose was upped to 150mgs and although they worked ish I've never really recovered..At one point I didn't leave the house for 4 years...I just couldn't .... :( ......After this I just kindof plodded on but could only leave the house with my then husband....I still can't leave the house on my own.....

Have had a huge set back and now back to square one....I'm a wreck....
Was prescribed mirtazapine which made me worse.....couldn't sleep at all and the panic and anxiety were worse than I'd ever had.....have now been prescribed Lustral and I'm too scared to take it......

Help....will this one work or am I going to be the same as with the last one..

Ps.....Am finally getting help for the first time in 18 yrs but only because of my out of control drinking..( my way of coping)....when I saw the Guy from the Mental Health team for addictions....he couldn't believe that I hadn't received any real help for all those years.....He made me feel that I could conquer the world if I really wanted to...I felt so much better and confident but now I'm back to square one.....

My temper is out of control...I'm always in tears.....panic is my constant partner ...I'm scared.....

Sorry for the rant and hope its makes sense.....I really do feel like I'm living on the edge right now....:weep:


09-10-12, 21:53
Hi Tidgy_pud

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-10-12, 21:58
:welcome: So glad that you are finally getting some help after all these years. A combination of therapy and drugs was of great help to me. Also talking to other sufferers, the more you can understand anxiety the less frightening it becomes. I totally understand you when you say your temper is out of control, I too reacted in the same way I think it was just shear frustration, and I used to spend most of my days in tears. But with the right help you will recover. Good Luck.

fozzy is crying
09-10-12, 22:00

09-10-12, 22:38
Thanks for the welcomes ... :) ...

Loving the hugs fozzy......Thankyou.....xxx

Thanks Harley...it's crazy isn't it that after all these years someone actually believes in me.....I'm 52 now....(a young 52 tho).....and it really is time I got ME back...I've relied on others for so long though that its going to be to hard to change ...the Ex hubby is an absolute saint and still looks after me even now...and my Boy has grown up so quickly over the last few weeks and seems to have taken over the role of Parent....he's just amazing.....

Going to go try some catch some much needed Zzzzz's now.....wish me luck as sleep is still being evasive.....

Night all...xxx

10-10-12, 09:42
Hi and a big :welcome:

10-10-12, 13:07
Thanks Serenitie..xxx

10-10-12, 21:22
Welcome to the forums. :)

Lustral is a brand of sertraline, so it's nothing to do with mirtazapine. I don't know anything else about it cos I'm on something different. There is a sub-forum for each of the medications though, so someone there should be able to help you.