View Full Version : damn you health anxiety

10-10-12, 07:01
this health anxiety is really pulling me down now,every day i wake up fretting about something ,wierd thing is i have breast cancer,just finished chemo,got radiotherapy this month and i do not worry about that i just deal with it i know it sounds odd but i imagine i have all sorts of things,in the last week ive stressed about a ruptured spleen (and got left hand side stomach pain) then ruptured gallbladder(so yep thern i got right hand side pains) couple of dvts,this morning my arm hurts so now am stressing about blood clot in arm ,my shoulder hurts ,its every morning now i wake and there is something,i cant remember having a day free from stressing about some illness,i am seeing a psychologistbut she seems to talk about the cancer but i dont stress about it ,i have it and have to get on with it ,its all the damn things i imagine i have its sending me doolally , sorry for the rant best wishes to all ,x

10-10-12, 09:52
Hello Cornishmaid,

Sorry to hear you're feeling down. I know what you mean about feeling pulled down by anxiety, it's not easy to cope with it! But don't be too hard on yourself, battling breast cancer is no easy task and it's bound to have some impact on your mental well-being!
What I would suggest is that you openly tell your psychologist that you do not feel the cancer is the main cause of your anxiety right now and that you worry about all these other things, he/she might be able to offer some more appropriate advice/help or at least to lend a friendly ear to those concerns.
I wish you the best of luck and I hope you feel better soon!

Take care :bighug1: